The Mafia's arranged Marriage (Lunar and Guardian)

Soon enough there were some noises above him and a couple of men came climbing down the side of the cliff with a couple of harnesses. Mihaela did seem to partially regain consciousness but there was that brief look of confusion and pain.
"dont you dare try and move do you hear me" Car looked at her and glared while he wasn't angry he didn't need to risk her neck being injured and them making it worse
Mihaela didn't say anything, nor did she move at all.... yet she had a look in her eyes as though she didn't recognize Car at all. It wasn't long before one of the men was getting a neck brace on her and was directing Car over to another, so that they could get him hoisted up.
"don't worry all will be explained when we get to the hospital you do know me so don't worry" Car then looked at the male and spoke "if anything happens to her in your care Mira and her mother will have your head on a platter"
Soon enough they were up on the ground again and Gabriel was hurrying over to check on the pair of them, wondering if they were both alright. And soon enough Gabriel was going over and getting his sister's car started, and was looking towards Car to see if he was wanting a ride.
Car nodded his head "I'll call Mira and let her know but she didn't recognize me which is odd it could be temporary or it could be long lasting"
Gabriel was giving a nod of his head before he spoke, "Hopefully temporary. But at least we have some heads up." Who knew how bad it was, but in any case.... he was going to make sure that everybody was prepared. With that he was taking out his own phone to message Yuki and let him know what was going on.
Car picked his phone up and called Mira to give her a heads up so that she knew what was going on and could tend to her rather then some other doctor
Mira was answering the phone and listened for a brief moment before she spoke, "Alright thanks for the heads up." Well good thing Yuki was with her at the time, and was currently looking at his phone. This had her hanging up before she was looking at Jessie and explaining what she had been told.
Yuki nodded his head "Gabriel texted me the same thing its a good thing I left Selene and the pups at home she wanted to bring them with to show her mom"
Mira was looking over before she was speaking, "I'll examine her when she comes in. There is a chance that it could have been a temporary thing, just coming out of consciousness and just that overall in general confusion." Jessie was giving a slow nod of her head but it was obvious that she was concerned for her daughter.
Jessie was just giving a nod before she spoke, "Mihaela isn't even my biological daughter.... not even an adopted daughter. We just took her into our family when she was younger but after Gabriel.... I had an accident and found out that I couldn't have kids again. I was so devastated and then she showed up.... An orphan from Romania who had been brought to Italy by some human traffickers. She was so young then.... She wouldn't remember that at all." With that she was just shaking her head a bit and was looking towards Mira who was getting the page that she was needed down in the pit.
Soon enough they were headed into the pit and Mira was directing Jessie to go and help the other man that had been brought in, while she was heading off with Mihaela, who seemed to be conscious. Gabriel was walking over to sit next to Yuki before he was commenting, "She was trying to help that man over there. He ended up waking up all of a sudden and lashing out, knocked her backwards."
Yuki nodded his head "I can't be mad at her form trying to help" Yuki then looked at his phone and sighed rubbing his face "can you please do me a favor I know your wanting to be here but can you please go and help the cook with Selene"
Gabriel was giving a nod of his head and spoke, "Yeah I can do that." Although he was questioning who this Selene was as well. Yeah Mihaela had told him about Tia, although hadn't gotten around to telling him about the name change.
"Tia we talked with her and all agreed to change her name to Selene and she is wanting to make puppy safe treats but the cook is allergic to dogs but had agreed to get meds to help but until then she can't and Selene wants them in the kitchen with her to try them to see what they like" Yuki showed him a picture of the two dogs
Gabriel was giving a nod of his head, that made a lot more sense. He was looking at the picture before giving a thumbs up and soon enough he was off.
After about an hour Mira was coming out to speak to Yuki, after taking care of the minor head injury and getting a few exams taken care of. "She does have a concussion from striking her head, and a small head wound but isn't very deep at all. There is thankfully now memory loss, it had been more of a confusion after waking up."
Yuki nodded his head and let Gabriel know so that he could relax knowing she was ok "thank you Mira and you may wish to check Car over as well he apparently jumped in to the water after her from the top of the cliff and has been walking around with a limp as if he was hurt"
Mira was commenting, "He went to go and see Sapphire, and she ended up spotting that as well. So Lillian is looking him over currently."
"Good" Yuki then went over the list that Car had given him "the gentleman Jessie is working on was the last one the list we have found everyone"
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