The Mafia's arranged Marriage (Lunar and Guardian)

Mira was giving a nod of her head before she spoke, "That is wonderful to hear." With that she was stating that he could go and see Mihaela if he was wanting, although she was going to have to stay overnight for observations.
Yuki nodded his head lightly and then waved and headed off to see his wife.

Car glared down at the medical boot that encased his foot and grumbled but it was his own fault for jumping in and fracturing his ankle
Sapphire was just looking for a brief moment in time before she was commenting, "Perhaps finding another way down would have been a better opinion." She was sitting up in the bed at the time although her attention was more so on the tv as well, listening to the news. Oh it was talking about the train wreck, and how it had happened it seemed. Something on the train itself had seemed to come lose, which had caused it to go off track.
"That makes more sense I suppose." Sapphire was commenting before she was looking at the baby, and just smiling softly.
Sapphire was smiling gently before she spoke, "I guess the lawyer managed to get ahold of Damion's father and he is wanting to meet his son and.... his son's potential adoptive parents."
Sapphire was giving a nod before she spoke in a soft voice, "Hopefully. The only problem is that he is wanting to do this tomorrow morning."
Sapphire was commenting, "Mira says that I can leave actually, I just have to be sure to take it easy. And not overstrain myself."
"I can leave whenever. She gave me the discharge papers earlier actually." Sapphire was commenting and pointing towards the papers although she wasn't in any condition to be walking at all. "She said that she was going to call Drake and have him send over a couple of people that he trusted to help."
"It isn't a wise idea for you to be driving while wearing a boot, mister." came a voice from the doorway and if Car looked he would see that it was one of the guys he had once worked with. A guy that was now working under Drake, a job that he had been offered and accepted without even a second thought.
Car snarled "its not my right foot so I could drive if I want to and I am not on any pain meds besides aspirin" Car huffed a little annoyed at the time
"Doctors orders. Better safe than sorry." the man was speaking although had his hands up in self-defense before he was commenting that he wasn't going to be able to push a wheelchair as easily.
Car sighed and then stood and took the car seat that was by his feet and got Damion settled in to it before asking her if she wanted his help getting changed
Sapphire was just looking for a moment in time before she was speaking, "Umm.... I might be able to handle it on my own."
Sapphire was giving a nod of her head as she was taking the clothes. Oh it seemed like it was just a dress, definitely something that she could handle. Other than get it pulled down all the way with the fact that she wasn't sure if she could stand up. Yet she was going to test it anyways, see if she could stand on her own. Even if it was long enough to pull the dress down in back.
Well Sapphire had been alright with standing for a little bit, at least until her legs ended up giving out on her.... and she was collapsing onto the ground.
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