The Mafia's arranged Marriage (Lunar and Guardian)

At least the car seat was there for a moment, although it wasn't long before Mira seemed to be appearing and was grabbing the carseat from her lap. Carrying the carseat herself at that point in time.
"Most babies don't like carseats. Malakai is the same way.... until we get him into the car. Hates the car seat but loves car rides." Mira spoke as she was getting the carseat up until the car.
Eventually they were back at the mansion, and a couple of the staff were coming out to help them get inside.
Car took Damion from the other person when they reached the room and settled him inside beore moving Sapphire to the bed so she could rest up as the trip had to be taking on ne
Car smiled "sure let me get Damion settled in his crib first" Car carefully picked the sleeping baby out of his car seat and placed him in the crib that was in the room before he settled in to the bed next to her
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