The Mafia's arranged Marriage (Lunar and Guardian)

Car walked over and kissed Sapphires head before going over and prepping the little ones bottle. Car got Damions bottle made and then settled in to feed him
Sapphire was just giving a soft smile before she was looking at Gabriel who was making a comment that she looked better. "Considering last time you saw me ai was passed out on a bathroom floor... Yeah this is an improvement." She was commenting as she took a small sip of her coffee. Soon he was stating that he would drive them to where they were going, that he would be there as a back up if it was needed.
Gabriel was commenting that they were all in need of a driver as it was. Sapphire was just snickering before she was stating that she wasn't sure if she felt comfortable with him. A joking tone and he had the fake hurt look.
Car rolled his eyes a little but knew they were jocking as he knew she knew him because of what Gabriels sister had informed him that they had both known her before coming to Japan
Sapphire was looking over for a moment before she was speaking, "I grew up hanging around Mihaela and Gabriel. The three of us were inseparable, especially after Drake and I were torn apart." With that she was finishing off her coffee.
"I know she told me" Car smiled and then looked at Damion who had just finished his bottle and after burping him he took Damion to get him dressed and changed
Gabriel was giving a nod before he was questioning what time they were having to meet up with this man, which had Sapphire commenting that it was around noon.
“12:15 to be exact which is an odd time but oh well” Car walked over and handed Damion over to her so he could cook them some food to eat
Car looked at her "you are doing that to annoy me aren't you" Car watched her closely but the small smile on his face said he wasn't upset or annoyed in the slightest
"Possibly." Sapphire was mumbling and was giving a rather sad look when she realized she had finished off her coffee.
Car chuckled and then walked over and poured her a new cup "I asked Mira and so long as you limit to no more than four cups a day she said you can have coffee"
Sapphire was just looking over before she spoke, "Usually I don't drink a lot of coffee. It is more of a morning thing. Usually I don't wake up until like eleven in the morning." Yet at that point in time it was only about eight in the morning, far earlier than what she was use to as well.
Car nodded his head "I understand I am not a huge morning person either but I suspect Damion will get us both up in the morning for some time"
Sapphire was just giving a faint chuckle before she was commenting, "I ended up waking up around five or so this morning as it was." And it hadn't even been because of Damion. Pain had been strong and unbearable, yet she hadn't wanted to get up to take pain killers.
"Because I thought that it would be rude to wake you up." Sapphire was commenting. And it wasn't as though he really needed to wake up because she woke him up, it wasn't as though they were dating or anything. They truly hardly knew each other.
"its not I don't mind" Car gave her a small smile before setting a plate of food in front of her and then took Damion so she could focus fully on eating
Sapphire was just shaking her head before she spoke, "No.... I'm not going to do that to somebody." With that she was looking at the food that he had put in front of her, before she was taking a small bite from it.
After an hour or so, Mira was wandering into the kitchen with Malakai. By the sounds of it Drake was still sleeping, and she had managed to get the baby quietest down before he woke the man up.
Mira was just smiling lightly before she was looking towards Gabriel as he was making a comment about something. This had her rolling her eyes before she was speaking, "You can go and visit your sister if you want."
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