The Mafia's arranged Marriage (Lunar and Guardian)

Mira was taking Damion gently and just cooing at the little boy gently. Sapphire happened to be sitting outside at that point in time, just looking up at the sky.
Sapphire was just looking over her shoulder when she heard him and was merely gesturing for him to come closer if he wanted.
Sapphire was just looking over for a moment before she was giving a small shrug then spoke, "It is whatever. I'm use to people hiding stuff from me, it is how it has always been. But I'm stronger than I look."
"I know but I am not hiding it from you because I don't trust you I am hiding it because I don't want you to become worried and stressed while you are recovering I swear as soon as your all healed I will tell you everything" Car looked at her and was sad that she was use to it
Sapphire was just looking at him for a brief moment before she spoke, "That is all you had to say.... not give me that emotionless expression."
"I know I am still learning how to interact properly with people while I grew up for the most part in a normal family not everything was easy and I learned to hide things rather than be open" Car hated how he had been raised and wished he could be more like her and be open about his feelings
Sapphire was giving a small shake of her head before she spoke, "I was hurt a bit but it is something that I can deal with."
Sapphire was just looking towards him for a moment in time but she found that she wasn't even sure what to say. She was just giving a nod of her head, when he was commenting that he would come and get her later.
After a number of hours it was finally time for the pair to go and meet with Damion's biological father. Gabriel was the one who was going outside to fetch Sapphire, who had taken to just enjoying the beautiful weather.
Mira was coming up as Car was struggling to get the baby into the car seat. This had her looking at Damion from behind Car, making a few goofy faces at him. This had him giggling a bit and blowing bubbles, and Car was able to get him into the carseat.
"that they do or puppy kisses if he starts to fuss let a puppy kiss him" Car then showed her a picture he had taken of the biggest puppy giving him a small kiss
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