The Mafia's arranged Marriage (Lunar and Guardian)

Sapphire was following after to the car. Mira was watching before she commented "Use the exhaustion to your advantage of you have to."
Soon enough they were headed off towards the meeting spot. Sapphire fell asleep her her head resting against the window after a bit.
After a good forty five minutes or so they were arriving to their destination and Gabriel was shutting off the car.
Sapphire was a bit groggy upon waking up but she understood his words. This had her un buckling herself and going to climb out of the car as she opened the door.
They were headed inside and Sapphire just looked around for a moment. The father looked like a decent enough man, although he was glaring up something fierce as well.
Oh and it seemed like the grand parents were there as well. Sapphire definitely didn't seem all that enthused to see them.
Car stopped and looked at the lawyer "why are they here and without a cop present" Care refused to move any further but his phone had been on speaker so Gabriel would know what was going on
"I will be taking my son home with me. He will love with myself and his grandparents. " The father was announcing.
Car looked at him "you are aware that his grandparents have a restraining order correct" Car was already annoyed and then without a care he moved to Sapphire "come one let's go"
The child's father was just commenting that he had never heard of such, and that they weren't leaving with his child. Sapphire was looking over and soon enough she was figuring out... The man was a cop. Technically they were accompanied by a cop.
Car handed Sapphire Damion "head to the car I'll be there in a moment." Car then turned around and pulled out two sheets of paper one was a copy of the restraining order and the other was an order of temporary custody stating that Sapphire and Car had custody until the hearing in two months time decides who will be a better guardian "read them and feel free to check the court records these are legal" Car then turned and walked out of the building meeting back up with Sapphire
"I don't think strangers should have temporary custody of my son. Especially a former male prostitute essentially, and somebody who is recovering from surgery." The man was speaking after a moment in time.
"Think what you want but the courts have decided and until that hearing he is staying with us" Car helped Sapphire into the car after they settled Damion into his car seat. Car had proof he no longer worked that lifestyle thanks to Mira and the hospital and since Sapphire was recovering she had plenty of help from family and friends and could be with Damion the most out of the two of them
Sapphire was just looking over before she was commenting "You are more than welcome to try and take him from us. Here is our address." With that when was tossing a piece of paper at the man before climbing into the car, Gabriel getting Damion into the car seat before Car came over.
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