The Mafia's arranged Marriage (Lunar and Guardian)

Mira was looking over before she was speaking, "Obviously the dogs will have to stay here, but if Gabriel says it is alright, you can go with him to visit your mom." Obviously the girl would have to listen to any orders she was given, but that wouldn't be a problem at all Mira didn't think. "You will have to be patient with her. Lillian sent me a message her and did let me know that her memory is still a bit foggy, so that is a chance that she will not recognize you right away."
"I'll stay here I don't want to overload her" for such a young child Selene was very understanding and she didn't want to push her luck with things her father had made it clear that they would do their best to get her anything she wanted but if she threw a fit of any kind she would suffer a punishment of their choosing that fit
Mira was just giving a nod of her head before she spoke, "She should be alright to return home later today."
Selene nodded her head and smiled a bit "ok" she then got up and picked the smallest of the two pups up and carried him to the yard as the door leading from the kitchen to the back yard spooked him for some reason but he had been moving like he had to pee and she didn't want any accidents in the house
Mira was just watching for a moment and was soon enough waving Gabriel away. The man still had some time before he had to take Car and Sapphire to meet the father of the child. "The lawyer will be meeting you two there." she was letting them know as she was pouring herself a cup of coffee.
Mira was just commenting, "I'm sure that everything will go fine. The lawyer isn't really wanting the father to obtain Damion at all. The man has quite the record, and he has been off and on drugs the past few years."
"true but with out his permission we can't adopt him either and his grandparents are not a good fit either" Car had seen them when they had left and he didn't like that they were hanging around waiting to try and take him once more
Mira was just looking over before she was commenting, "Ah but this is where the back-up plan comes in. Foster system. And I happen to have a friend that is a foster parent. If he gets put into the foster care because his father is unable to take care of him, then you guys can turn around and adopt him from the foster parent. I've already talked it over with the lawyer and she says that this will be the back-up plan if needed, and my friend has agreed to assist."
Car nodded his head but he still worried her parents would try and take him and he knew it but there was no way to prevent them from trying
"As for the grandparents. There is a restraining order on them. They cannot be anywhere near either of you, or Damion." Mira was commenting. Okay unless they had a police escort with them.
"you know as well as I do Mira they won't stop until they get him" Car looked over when his phone pinged and frowned as so few had his number the the few that did were in that room
Mira was just looking over before she spoke, "We will take care of it." Sapphire was looking over when his phone was pinging and was questioning if everything was all right.
Car picked his phone up and looked at the message before closing it and nodding "everything is fine" the text was from Damions grandparents who had somehow found out what his old job was and were threatening him
Sapphire was looking over before she was speaking, "I don't believe you at all." Nope she had gotten good at reading people over the last number of years.
Sapphire was just apologizing for worrying and was soon enough get up so that she could leave, just waving off Mira who had gone over to help. "I'm fine...." the female was mumbling and wandering off.
Mira was just looking from where she was leaning against the counter, sipping at her coffee. "Obviously that message was something to be worried about. And from the fact that you won't tell her... It has something to do with Damion." she was commenting before looking at her own phone as it buzzed.
Car looked at her and nodded and then pushed his phone to her the text still up "I don't want to stress her out and cause complications while she is healing she doesn't need that right now"
Mira was taking the phone as she looked at the message that he had gotten. This had her raising an eyebrow for a brief moment in time before she was speaking, "Oh they are definitely pushing some buttons."
Mira was just tilting her head before she spoke, "I think you did probably hurt her with lying straight to her face, and telling her that everything was fine. You could have told her that things weren't okay but you didn't want to discuss it with her at this point. Explain to her that you didn't want to cause her more stress." No if anything... being lied to was something that was going to cause more stress than knowing what he was trying to hide.
"Of course I'll watch him. And you know... It is pretty obvious you two have bonded over the last few days. Despite the circumstances in which you two met.... it seems like you both trust each other." Mira was commenting with a faint smile as she was finishing her coffee, then looking towards one of the others as they were coming into the kitchen.
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