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The Mafia's arranged Marriage (Lunar and Guardian)

Sapphire was giving a soft smile before she spoke, "Vanilla would be alright." After that she was just looking around the room before she was looking at the brochure that was in the room, looking at the services that were offered.
Sapphire was giving a faint smile and nodded her head, before just looking at some of the other things that they offered. "Man looking at these treatments... seriously reminds me of one of Drake's old friends." she was mumbling to herself as she set her bag down on the chair that was in the room.
Sapphire looked up for a moment in time before she was giving a smile and greeting them in return. She was questioning about a few things that were listed on the brochure. Although she was quite curious about the VIP package that they had. A mixture of everything it seemed like, with what sounded like a gift almost.
Sapphire was just pursing her lips for a moment in time before she was just tapping on an option. Kind of a mixture of a few different options. She was commenting in a more joking voice that a day of relaxation in general couldn't get much better, unless there were handsome men involved.
"we do have that option if you would like miss seeing as the second of the king called in your would qualify for it" the woman smiled lightly at her
Sapphire found herself about choking on the water that she had taken a drink of, not quite expecting that, but at the same time she was rather curious about it. What could it hurt? It wasn't as though money was truly an issue to her. She was studying the woman for a moment in time before she spoke, "Yakuza... the Japanese Mafia. I am guessing that the owner of this place is apart of the that group." With that she was just waving her hand and commenting that it wasn't going to hurt to try it out. "Before I forget, and I know that my brother mentioned a medical concern that would be addressed by myself upon arrival. I have a heart condition, and one of the main symptoms is a sudden fever out of the blue and chest pain. There is medication that I keep in my bag." she spoke after a moment in time, knowing that the woman would need to know that information.
"of course ma'am I will make sure that I watch out for the signs and tend to you as needed" the female knew that the king would be rather infuriated if he found out they didn't take care of her but that would also bring him there and he would see the child and that would get them in to more trouble as well
Sapphire was giving a small smile before she spoke, "And if there is an option with handsome men... I'm totally down for that." With that she was just taking another sip of her water before humming softly and just waiting for the woman to let her know what she was wanting to start with.
"of course, first we are going to start with a warm sugar scrub to cleans the skin" while Sapphire disrobed she went to work on getting the scrub started
Sapphire was giving a nod of her head and was soon enough disrobing and sweeping her long hair up into a tight ponytail so that it was out of the way.
Sapphire just closed her eyes while the woman was doing that. It had been a while since she had last gotten a massage, or really done anything for herself.
The massage most definitely felt good, to the point that Sapphire did end up dozing off. Although that happened more often than not, it wasn't uncommon at all.
After about an hour, Mihaela was waking up as well and just stretching a bit. She noticed that Mira was fast asleep and that Sapphire was gone. Although upon messaging Sapphire, it was discovered that she was at a spa, just having a bit of rest and relaxation. Perhaps a good thing.

Sapphire had been awake again when her phone had vibrated, and saw the message from Mihaela. Currently she was just lounging on the bed, just waiting for the specialist to come back.
Sapphire was just looking for a brief moment in time before she idly questioning what was going to happen after that. The rocks weren't going to stay on her back for long, that she knew.
"A different room?" Sapphire questioned after a moment in time although at the mention of oil rub she was just commenting that a calmer smelling oil was more prefered.
"of course and yes a different room one that is more soundproof you will still have your belongings of course" the female didn't want to worry her at all
Sapphire was just blinking for a moment at the mention of more soundproofed, which had her almost wondering what she was getting herself into.
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