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The Mafia's arranged Marriage (Lunar and Guardian)

Sapphire was just looking at him before she questioned, "How on earth did you manage to book an appointment that is an hour away? Half the time one cannot book an appointment that same day."
Sapphire was just tilting her head for a moment in time before she was commenting that she figured that that made sense.
Sapphire was giving a faint giggle before she spoke, "I can imagine. Well since I have no idea where I am going, wanna give me a ride when it is time?"
"can do I am gonna let Mira rest today so I will be bringing the baby with me today" Drake knew Mira kept a couple of bottles of breast milk in the fridge
"Daddy needs to spend some time with the baby now and again as well." Sapphire was commenting with a faint chuckle.
"yep plus I don't want her to feel like a single mom because I am so busy with work and I am not going to let her give up her carreer" Drake didn't want to see her quit being a doctor when that was what made her happy
Drake smiled and then looked down at his son when the boy started to squeak "ok ok I'll get your bottle warmed up" Drake walked to the fridge and pulled on of the bottles out and placed it into the bottle warmer and got it warming up
Sapphire was just smiling gently as she watched before she was looking at her phone to see that she had a message from Jessie, asking if they had arrived there safely. This had her messaging the woman back, assuring her that they were all there safe and sound.
Drake walked over and took her phone and handed his son to her "lets send her a picture of you two" Drake didn't mind since he knew who the female was
Sapphire was a bit startled when he was taking her phone and the next thing she knew, he was handing her the baby which had her a bit startled. "O...Oh Umm...." she started but in the end she was relaxing and readjusting how she was holding the baby, so that he could continue to drink his bottle without an issue.
Drake took the picture and then sent her friend a message saying she was bonding with her nephew and spending time with her brother to give her sister in law a day off from being mom.
Sapphire was just looking down at the child for a moment before she spoke in a soft voice, "He is so adorable."
Sapphire was giving a small giggle before she spoke, "You know I remember when you told me that you wanted to get married, but you didn't want to have kids. This is back when you didn't like kids at all, I'm glad that your perspective changed."
"I met the right person" Drake hadn't wanted kids as he didn't want to risk them but having met Mira and knowing she could take care of herself and their son put his at ease
Sapphire was giving a small giggle before she was commenting that someday in the future she was wanting kids, although she really didn't find that all that likely.
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