The Mafia's arranged Marriage (Lunar and Guardian)

Drake chuckled "come on lets go join them I have a bed large enough to fit five grown adults as we both figured at some point our sun will end up joining us in bed"
Sapphire was just shaking her head before she was stating that he could go and lay down with the others, now that she was actually awake, she was awake. Although she was making a comment that she was in dire want of a massage.
Sapphire was just giving a small giggle before she spoke, "We'll see if Mira and Mihaela feel like going anywhere. They were both pretty exhausted earlier. I told Mira to get some sleep, that I would take care of the baby if he woke up."
Sapphire was shaking her head before she spoke, "Perhaps. She said she felt like she was coming down with something earlier, although she didn't have any symptoms or anything as of right now."
"Well she did just have a baby. Her immune system is a little weaker than usual." Sapphire was commenting after a while before she was shooing him off so that he could go and get some sleep.
"come with even if you don't sleep you can lay down and read if you want I want you close for tonight just incase please" while Drake knew she wouldn't have flown if it wasn't safe he wanted her close just in case
Sapphire was giving a nod of her head and was soon enough following after him so that they could get going. Although within mere moments of actually laying down, she seemed to be falling fast asleep.
The next morning came around quickly enough, and Sapphire was awake with the sun. She was slipping out of the bed, since everybody else was still asleep, and was going downstairs into the living room.
Mihaela and Mira were still fast asleep, the pair of them not even seeming to react to the alarm going off or the baby crying briefly.
Sapphire was looking over before she spoke, "Well enough I suppose." She was currently sipping at a bottle of water that she had snagged out of the fridge, currently the pill bottle that she had taken pills from sitting on the table in front of her.
Sapphire was just giving a small nod of her head before she was taking the bottle and putting it back into her bag.
"Oh I'm not hiding them. I keep them in my bag so that I know where they are at all times. And then it is a lot easier for when I leave to go somewhere, I don't have to run and grab them. They are already with me." Sapphire was speaking in a soft voice, before she was giving a light smile.
Sapphire was just smiling before she spoke, "I promise that is the only reason. It is for myself, so that I don't forget where they are." After that she was stretching a bit.
Sapphire was looking over before she spoke, "Relax. I'm still wanting a massage. Full body massage." She was cooing at the baby gently and was just smiling softly.
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