The Mafia's arranged Marriage (Lunar and Guardian)

while they chatted Sakura would keep the conversation away from anything related to her and Gabriel as she wasn't in the mood to talk about it. when they lnaded Sakura was the first one off of the plane and headed to one of the waiting car
As soon as they landed, Mihaela was up as well so that she could get off of the plane. She was looking over to see that Sapphire was awake again, although the woman looked like she was going to be sick.
Sapphire was giving a nod before she was mumbling that she was sorry for using him as a pillow, and was teasing him that at some point his wife might get jealous.
"I doubt my wife would get jealous as she knows i am loyal to her while I don't mind you using me as a pillow we need to find you, someone else to be your pillow form now on" Yuki then stood and helped her up so that they could leave
Sapphire was just looking at the ground, going silent at his words. No it hadn't been intentional at all, and she was just apologizing to him in a soft voice. After that she was stating that she could walk on her own, that he could go off ahead to his wife.

Currently Mihaela was standing outside of the plane, actually chatting with Drake about a few things. Although never once had she mentioned anything about his sister coming back with them.
Yuki stopped her "I am not mad Sapphire but I have also seen how you look at other couples as well you want that you want what they have what Mihaela and I have together. that was what i meant by finding someone of your own" Yuki didn't like that he had upset her at all
Sapphire was just shaking her head before she spoke, "Yes I want that but I don't want to be a burden. Even now I feel like I'm a burden on you. But it isn't as though I asked for this and.... most of the time I have everything under control. I am able to manage it myself, but there are moments where I can't. Such as at the fight ring. It was my own fault on that... I misjudged my limit. I thought that I was fine, that I hadn't pushed it to far." Eventually they were getting closer to the doors and she was just shielding her eyes a bit against the light.

"Oh hey Drake... We brought back a guest with us." Mihaela was commenting to Drake after a moment in time, since his back was currently to the plane.
"you are not and never will be a burden to any of us Sapphire least of all your brother" Yuki then motioned for her to look down to where Drake was speaking with Mihaela.

Drake looked at her confused on what she meant by guest
Sapphire was giving a nod of her head and was soon enough giving a faint smile when she saw Drake, before she was heading down the stairs. Mihaela was currently speaking to Drake although Sapphire could see the grin on the other female's lips.

"Yuki!" Mihaela was smiling before she was dancing away from Drake, already knowing that the man was going to end up turning around.
when she got close Yuki scooped her up and spun her around careful not to hit Sapphire.

Drake turned to look at his boss and froze when he spotted his sister
Mihaela was giggling as she wrapped her arms around Yuki, and was giving a small giggle as she looked towards Drake, who had frozen. Sapphire was just giving a small little wave towards Drake.
Sapphire was giving a startled squeak although she was giving him a hug back, and telling him not to hug her so tightly, it hurt a bit.
Sapphire was giggling before she spoke, "Of course I'm safe. I'm tougher than I look." Which was definitely the truth, given what she was dealing with on a daily basis.
Sapphire was looking over at Mira before she was speaking, "Pleased to meet you. I am Sapphire, Drake's half-sister." Mira was smiling brightly from where she was sitting, currently holding onto the baby who was eating, hence the blanket that was draped over her shoulder and how she was sitting in the car.
"its not half Sapphire we have been over this before you are my sister and that is that" Drake hated the term half she was his sister and that was all he care about
Mira was giving a small smile before she was shifting a bit so that she could fix her top, and then was dropping the blanket to reveal the little boy that was in her arms.
Mira was giving a soft smile before she was commenting that she was going to head home, and suggesting that they pair of them spend a bit of time together. Sapphire was giving a wry smile before she was commenting that she wasn't wanting to take away the woman's husband. Mira was shaking her head before she spoke, "As much as I love Drake, and as much as he loves me, we do need our breaks from each other now and again. You can have him. I have a girl friend who was wanting to meet the baby, so her and I are going to have a movie day in."
"Of course I will do that. She is probably going to end up staying the night." Mira was commenting before she was taking the files and was just raising an eyebrow which had Sapphire commenting that they were her medical files.
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