The Mafia's arranged Marriage (Lunar and Guardian)

Jessie was giving a small nod of her head before she was just blinking when her daughter was commenting that Mira was the one that she went to for all of her pregnancy questions. Well that was definitely a shock, but the woman was smiling.
Jessie was just shaking her head for a moment in time before she was hugging the pair of them, stating that she was glad that they were safe.
Jessie was just smiling before she spoke, "Go and rest. All of you. Even you Sakura. You may not be tired but I want you to try and relax. Read a book, soak in the hot tub... some kind of relaxing activity where you aren't straining your body."
Mihaela walked along beside him before she was questioning, "Do you think we should give Drake a heads up? Or leave it as a surprise? I'm thinking a surprise."
Mihaela was giving a small giggle before she was nodding her head.

Within the next week or so, it was decided that Mihaela and Yuki were finally going to head back home. They had remained to make sure that everything was going to be alright, and to give Sapphire that chance to gain her strength back before the long flight. Jessie was giving them all hugs and was telling them to let her know when they got home safely and was then questioning Mihaela where her brother was. This had Mihaela shaking her head before she spoke, "He and Sakura got into an argument and he keeps disappearing, just like she does. I guess in Japan it is a custom for a man to kill another man for flirting with their wife/fiance or something like that. And he didn't do anything like that and it upset her.... At least that is what I took from all of it. Either way, he pointed out that this wasn't Japan anymore. I do have to admit that perhaps he was a bit cruel when he more or less state that Japanese woman were kind of useless, if they couldn't defend themselves but...."

Now that she was married to Yuki, she had backed down form her typical attitude a bit, and allowed him to step up as her husband. While she had become a Japanese woman in customs, at times anyways, there were other times where she stayed herself. If a man did flirt with her, verbally she was quite brutal but most of the time she allowed Yuki to be the physical one. Although at that point in time, especially with her being pregnant, while she wasn't going to get backed into a corner.... she wasn't going to be a sassy as she usually was.
Yuki rubbed her back and smiled at her before looking at his mother in law "sadly Sakura is as hard-headed as Gabriel is and some traditions are hard to grow out of. while Mihaela has grown accustomed to our traditions and have wrapped them together with her's and we have it worked out where she warns them off verbally twice and if they don't listen I get to honor our way of things. Sakura wasn't able to do that and it seems Like Gabriel hasn't really helped her with that either so they are both at fault in this but right now I think they need some space"
Jessie was giving a nod of her head before she spoke, "I will give them a week at the most to breath and just think things through, and then I'm making them sit down to talk." She was just giving Mihaela a gentle hug before she was telling her to stay safe, especially now with a little one on its way. "You know... she has only backed down because of the pregnancy. The moment the baby is born... she'll be back to being herself." Jessie was pointing out, which had Mihaela giving a rather innocent chuckle.
"I know and I wouldn't expect anything less from her but Sakura has been rather clear in stating she is coming home today so someone will have to fly either back here or to japan and I am not going to force her to stay" Yuki looked at the plan and saw Sakura boarding it behind Sapphire
Jessie was shaking her head a bit before she was looking at her phone then she spoke, "Well it seems that Gabriel wants to call of the marriage anyways. He isn't wanting to marry his sister-in-law, it would be far to strange." Although that wasn't as though that were the fact of the matter, considering Adrian and Jessie had never officially adopted Mihaela as their own child. They had never signed papers or anything, instead they had merely treated her as though she were their child. Technically Gabriel was an only child.
Yuki sighed and then shook his head "we will figure things out I think they both need some time alone before we try anything" Yuki wouldn't force the issue but he wanted to be sure that they were both content with what was happening
Jessie was nodding before she was speaking, "The exact reason that I haven't said anything to him as of yet. Gabriel is dealing with a lot right now. Between Adrian being bedridden, the fact that I was kidnapped. He is also handling stuff here that he isn't use to dealing with."
"I understand all to well you will see what you all come to Japan after the baby is born as we would love to have you visit for a while" Yuki didn't advertise their new position as it would keep them both safe and sound
Jessie was giving a soft smile before she was speaking, "I would love that. Also.... You said that you had a doctor you trusted back in Japan?" "Yes her name is Mira and I absolutely trust her with my life." Mihaela was speaking, which had her mother giving a nod before she was taking out an envelope before she spoke, "These are some of Sapphire's medical records. When we switched over the system, not everything got put into the system, there are still some paper records. So these also need to be given to her doctor, along with the access information to her medical records. Sapphire has already given me permission to release her records, and while I would prefer to pass on this information myself, it isn't quite possible. So Mihaela..." Jessie started and her daughter was just giving a faint smile.

"These need to be given to Mira and only Mira. I got it." Mihaela was speaking before she was tucking the envelope into the bag that she was carrying.
"we will make that Mira gets them" Yuki hugged his mother in law and spoke softly "if you even need help call for the king of the Yakuza and you will receive it"Yuki then moved back and kissed his wifes head letting her know they needed to head out soon
Jessie was giving a soft smile before she was giving them one final hug and was stepping away so that they could board their plane, and get out of there. Mihaela was waving and was soon enough heading towards the plane as well.
Within the next number of hours, the plane was arriving in Japan once again and already calls had been made for a couple of drivers to come and pick them up. They had made sure that one of them happened to be Drake, although not like it bothered Mira at all, since she had been filled in on what was going on.

Sapphire was currently asleep, and seemed to be using Yuki as a pillow once again, but she figured that that was better than using the window as a pillow. Mihaela and Sakura were sitting next to each other somewhere else on the plane, just chatting about a few different things. Girl talk if anything.
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