The Mafia's arranged Marriage (Lunar and Guardian)

Three days had gone quickly enough and it was time for the final fight. Mihaela was speaking with Gabriel about something in a low voice, information that she had received about their mother. She was uninjured and it seemed like she was going to be there that night. Mihaela was just pushing some hair out of her face before she spoke, "You know... the fight starts in an hour but I've yet to see Sapphire. I hope that she didn't forget."
Yuki looked at his phone his sister had come to watch from a different area "if she doesn't show can we sub someone in for her citing sever injuries"
"Yeah we can do that. That wouldn't be a problem at all. Gabriel, you wanna go and check the room here." Mihaela spoke which had her brother giving a nod of his head. They had all decided to travel to the location the night before, and had just stayed in one of the very comfortable rooms that had been set aside for the fighters.
Gabriel ended up tapping on Sapphire's door and was soon enough walking into the room, just looking around for a moment. Although just as he was about to leave he was seeing a flash of something in the bathroom which had him walking into the room. He was pulling out his phone and dialing his sister's number, grateful that she answered quickly enough. He had shifted so that Sapphire's head was on his knees instead of the cold floor. The woman looked like she was in pain and her breathing was heavy.
But with where they were at, he couldn't just let anybody know that something was off. That would paint a target on her back, especially since they were there. "Mihaela. I found her. It isn't looking good right now. No injuries, she was just collapsed on the bathroom floor. Looks like she is in pain and oh wait... she is saying something about her bag... needing her bag...." Gabriel was speaking as he looked around, not finding it.
Mihaela was just looking over towards Yuki before she spoke, "Yuki has it right now. He had grabbed it out of the car along with his stuff and had brought it here with him for her."
Yuki turned and headed over and grabbed her bag and then took it to Gabriel and frowned before texting his sister that he needed her. no one else would be able to fight with him but her Sapphire had done an amazing job but it looked like she would be in no condition
Mihaela was highly confused when Yuki was all of a sudden leaving and just letting Gabriel know that Yuki was on his way to him now. Gabriel was just stating that he understood, now that he had gotten Sapphire at least settled on the comfortable bed versus the hard bathroom floor. "I came in and she was collapsed the the bathroom floor. I don't even know what she is wanting out of her bag." he was speaking just as Yuki was coming into the room.
"I think I do can you give us some space please" Yuki didn't think she would want the others to know about her heart problems let alone worry them that she was possibly sick
Gabriel was giving a nod of his head before he spoke, "Yeah.... I'm going to go back to Mihaela, I'll see if Cortney can stay here with her." With that he was leaving the room although was noticing that Sapphire's phone was going off. A name that he didn't know, although he commenting that somebody named Camren was calling her. Hopefully Yuki would recognize the name as the doctor that had been tending to her while they were at the hospital, and the same one who had gotten into a conversation with Yuki about something.
Yuki reached over and answered the phone while he started to get her meds out after Gabriel had left the room. "hey doc its Yuki Sapphire had an episode"
"Oh that isn't good." came the familiar voice of Camren through the phone, and then there was a slight clatter on her end. Obviously she had put down whatever she had been holding. And then came a series of questions for Yuki on Sapphire's condition at that point in time, so that she could tell him what to do to best help her. That and tell him which one of the two meds that she kept with her was going to be more effective.
Yuki followed her directions and gave her the meds she needed to start feeling better "I am calling in a replacement for her she is in no condition to fight" Yuki knew she wouldn't like that but it had to be done
Camren was speaking, "That would be a wise idea and no.... Sapphire wouldn't try and argue it right now. While she is stubborn, she does know her limits. I have to get going, if you need any more help, feel free to call me. I would have somebody stay with her for the time being. Even with the meds, there are still those moments where something could happen."
"that is the plan" YUki then messaged his wife letting her know that Sapphire wasn't going to be fighting and that she needed someone to sit with her
Mihaela was the message and soon enough she was walking into the room and was wondering what the hell was going on.
Yuki looked at her and the closed the door behind her “ she has a heart condition and it is acting up and badly. Someone needs to stay with her and keep a watch over her so that if she gets worse she can get the medical attention she needs. Sakura came to watch the fight and is going to fight in Sapphires place and if she is cleared after the fight she will be taking her back to Japan so her brother and future sister in law can take care of her”
Mihaela was just looking at Sapphire for a moment in time before she was questioning in a soft voice, just wondering why the woman had never told her about this. With that she was giving a nod of her head and was commenting that she would sit with her. After that she was looking at him and telling him that he was needing to be careful as well.
"I will be since I can use my sword they won't be able to get too close to me" Yuki nodded and then headed out to join his sister in the hall so they could head top side
Mihaela was giving a nod of her head before she was just looking over towards Sapphire, who seemed to be sleeping a lot more calmly now.
Yuki walked with his sister to the ring and informed the ringmaster his original partner hadn't recovered and they were swapping out for Sakura. he didn't mention that she was his sister as it would cause more drama
This had the ringmaster hesitating for a moment although it wasn't long before Cortney seemed to be walking up before she spoke, "I hope you aren't denying this other partner that Phantom themselves chose to fight with Mr. Yuki." "Oh I didn't know that you had connections to Phantom..." the ringmaster spoke, all of a sudden a bit nervous.
Soon enough the pair were allowed to walk into the ring, and soon enough there opponents were coming out as well. Gabriel was hiding a startled gasp as another man walked up with a woman at his side. Their mother, and it seemed that she was alive. Thank god.
"Begin." the ringmaster spoke and was heading out of the ring as quickly as he could, not wanting to be apart of it.
Yuki moved and drew his single sword while he saw Sakura move and draw her duel swords. each of them picked an opponent and moved in and attacked
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