The Mafia's arranged Marriage (Lunar and Guardian)

Sapphire chuckled before she spoke, "Well I have been in contact with my brother, although it has only been through messages the last number of years. I was shocked to learn that he and his fiance had just had a baby today." With that she was looking towards the man that was coming into the room and was soon enough studying the display that was being shown, how the first round was going to play out.
Sapphire looked over before she was smiling then spoke, "Yes I am. I really hope that he is doing well. I suppose it is my own fault since I left three years ago but.... At that time I had gotten myself into a dangerous situation. A highly abusive boyfriend. I left to get away from him and after a while I took the time to explore and gain knowledge."
“He is he had had a thought time lately but he is doing ok if you would like after this event I can send you to see him and meet his fiancé and child”
Sapphire was chuckling before she spoke, "I would love that. I've been meaning to return home for a while now." With that she was looking to see who they were up against and was telling him everything she knew up the fighter. They were relatively easy to deal with. They were one of those "I'll just use brute strength and win" type of people. Not factoring in that just charging, and constantly swinging was using up a lot of energy. "Basically keep dodging and he will wear himself out." she was summing it up with a chuckle.
A number of hours had gone past, and so far the pair of them had made their way through the competition without much of an issue. Granted they were both pretty beat up themselves, but they had yet to actually fall. Currently they were just resting in one of the rooms that the fight ring supplied to the fighters, so that they could take a breath and relax for a bit. Not that they had to worry about their final fight for a bit. Sapphire was just currently just laying on the floor in the large room, staring up at the ceiling. Damn did her ribs hurt, but totally worth it in the end.
It wasn't long before there was a knock on the door and the hooded figure of Phantom was drifting into the room, with two others following after them. Gabriel and Cortney it seemed were the attendants. "Welcome." Sapphire waved from where she was at and the moment that the door was closed, Mihaela was dropping the hood.
"You two look like you've gone through more than a beating." Mihaela was commenting which had Sapphire commenting that they still had the final fight against that tenth person then they could face the champion. This had Mihaela questioning if Sapphire knew anything about this person which had the other female shaking her head. Nope she knew nothing at all.
Resting was definitely the best idea at that point in time. This had Mihaela looking at Cortney who was stating that she would be right back with something.
After a few hours, the pair would hear a knock on the door and somebody was coming in stating that they would be up here in about half an hour. All of the other battles had finished, and their opponent had been decided. Sapphire was awake and just sitting up, flinching ever so slightly as she did so. Oh her ribs were killing her and moving hurt, at least for the time being.
Sapphire was getting up and going to the closet that was in the room, drawing Mihaela with her. "Help me with this." she was commenting and showed her a corset, which had Mihaela giving a nod. She knew through experience that they were impossible to get tight enough on your own. And that was one way to help with the pain.
It wasn't long before the two ladies came back out of the closet. Sapphire was pulling her long hair up into a ponytail and was fixing the top that she was wearing over the corset a bit.
"Be careful. Both of you." Mihaela spoke which had Sapphire giving a faint smile before she spoke, "Yes yes."
Sapphire was heading up into the ring and was looking at the announcer who was just announcing the pair of them, before announcing who their opponents were.
Sapphire saw his look and was questioning if he knew them or something. She didn't like the way that one of them was sneering and was actually commenting at them to take a damn picture.
“Yes I know them they were banned from Japans fighting league as they would used banned tools and caused several deaths.” Yuki had been a lot younger then and he had looked different so he knew the male wouldn’t know who he was
Sapphire was just tilting her head before she was cooing, "Oh so they are cheaters basically." This had her glancing towards where Mihaela was sitting up in the box.
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