The Mafia's arranged Marriage (Lunar and Guardian)

“Yes last couple to go against them took so much damage that the female is now unable to have children” Yuki then turned his attention to the ringmaster
Sapphire was mumbling something under her breath before she was speaking, "Well I guess we will have to use underhanded tactics as well."
“Just make sure no one sees that’s all we need is to be disqualified” Yuki didn’t want to risk their mother being hurt or given to someone else
Sapphire just looked at him before she spoke, "Well obviously I'm doing a wonderful job of not getting caught. Because you and everybody else have been clueless the last nine rounds." With that she was fixing her shoe, tying it more tightly.
“I was aware I just said nothing as I didn’t see the point” Yuki didn’t need to cheat as he wasn’t using his full skills till this round
Sapphire was just chuckling before she was commenting, "Not like I've done anything major." Nope if anything it was very minor stuff, such as aiming for vital points to knock them down. A couple of hidden needles on her person, but she didn't do anything major.
After a good half an hour, it seemed like Yuki and Sapphire had come out on top anyways. Although it was because their opponents had been caught cheating and had been disqualified. Perhaps a good thing. At the time Sapphire was just sitting on her knees, breathing slowly. If her ribs hadn't been burning in pain before, they definitely were at that point in time.
Sapphire just looked up at him for a moment before she was climbing up to her feet, just as the ringmaster was coming over and congratulating them. He was then stating that the final round against the champion would be held in three days time, which gave them three days to rest up and prepare. He was warning them that this fight was going to be far more difficult than they thought, since this was the round where anything was allowed.
The ringmaster was nodding before he was listing off what wasn't allowed. Poisons, explosives, firearms, that kind of stuff. Otherwise anything melee related was up for grabs.
After that they were allowed to leave, and as they were leaving Mihaela was making a comment that perhaps they should head to the hospital to get checked over.
"Probably a wise idea." Sapphire was mumbling and soon enough they were headed to the hospital. Go figure that one of the people there were from Mihaela and Gabriel's family, and both of the fighters were getting slightly scolded.
The pair were lead to a room so that they could get examined, Mihaela just stating that they could be in the same room. Not a huge deal. "Sapphire... Why am I not surprised to see you here? Again." one of the nurses commented which had the woman shrugging before she was stating, "What can I say, I love seeing all of the beautiful faces here."
The curtain that was between the two had been closed and Sapphire was stripping for the doctor no problem. Although the doctor that was with her was giving a frown before she spoke, "Sapphire.... With your heart condition... You shouldn't be pushing yourself like this. Remember last time... You were comatose for a month." Only the doctors at the hospital knew about this fact, this was something that not even Mihaela knew, although now it seemed like Yuki would know.
"I know I know. That is why I stopped by... My best friend's mother is in trouble. I owed it to her to help." Sapphire was commenting before she was stating that she had been taking it easy. Although this final fight was definitely going to be the most taxing. "After that I'm thinking I'm going to travel to Japan, and meet my brother for the first time in years."
“No thinking your going “ Yuki had heard and he would rather she be close to her brother should something happen plus Mira was a renowned dr who can tend to her as well
Sapphire was just looking at her doctor for a moment in time before giving a yelp when the woman was giving her a shot to help with the pain. Just jabbing it into her arm. "Okay okay, I deserved that." Sapphire mumbled after a moment in time before her doctor was stating that the two of them had to be careful.
Soon enough the doctors were leaving and the curtain was being slid aside once again. Sapphire was laying on the bed with an arm over her eyes.
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