The Mafia's arranged Marriage (Lunar and Guardian)

Sakura caught her and spoke in her ear softly "don't worry we are here to get you home" no one but Jessie would hear her so they were both safe
Jessie was giving a slow nod of her head and was catching sight of her son standing next to Cortney. Then she was spotting Yuki, which meant that her daughter was there somewhere as well.
Sakura heled her stand up and then walked with her to her brother and waited till the losers and the other male left before they walked out of the ring
After a bit, Mihaela was coming out from the back room and it seemed like Sapphire was back on her feet. The pair were walking over to the ground, although Sapphire was apologizing faintly to Yuki.
Sapphire was just giving a slow nod of her head and wasn't at all shocked when Jessie started to do her own evaluation of the young woman, probably to figure out if she would be alright to fly.
Soon enough they were all headed out and Jessie was questioning Sapphire if she was sure that she was wanting to go to Japan.
Yuki looked at her and then spoke "we had talked about it before he brother lives there and just had a baby with his fiance she was going to go up and visit with them and his fiance is a skilled surgon and dcotor
Jessie was giving a nod of her head before she spoke, "Before you leave let me know, I'll give you something to help with the air sickness I know you get."
Sapphire just looked over towards Yuki for a moment before she spoke, "Side effect from one of the other pills I take. The one I only have to take if things are bad enough, actually the one you gave me earlier. I get really nauseous with it for the first hour of taking it."
Sapphire was giving a nod of her head before she was stating that she was ready to get back home. This had the others nodding in agreemnt.
Soon enough they were all back at the mansion, and Jessie was telling all of the kids to go and get some rest for the night.
Mihaela was in agreement with that although she was giggling softly as she looked towards Yuki. Sapphire had been sitting next to the male although it seemed like she was asleep using his shoulder as a pillow. Unintentionally done on her part.
Mihaela was giving a nod of her head and soon enough Gabriel was coming over to take the other female. "I hope you didn't feel too uncomfortable. After an episode like that... the rest of the days she sleeps off and on quite a bit. And it is kind of where ever she is comfortable."
Jessie was nodding her head although she was questioning about who Mira was, which had Mihaela briefly explaining. Man how Jessie and Mira would get along wonderfully enough.
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