The Mafia's arranged Marriage (Lunar and Guardian)

Soon enough they were being halted by a woman, briefly anyways before they were allowed entrance to the box.
"Phantom gives their greetings." The woman spoke for Mihaela and Gabriel was bowing his head in greeting.
Gabriel went and sat down next to the cloaked figure and just watched what was happening. "Hey Cortney.... " He spoke which had the woman who was leaning against the wall by the door looking over. "Where is my sister?" He questioned.
Of course he had seen through it which had Cortney commenting that Mihaela was around. Somewhere.
Yuki raised an eye brow when his phone went off and he checked it and smiled as Drake had sent a picture of mother and new born baby. Yuki then turned the photo to the others to see allowing them to see that he wasn’t putting them in any danger
"That is wonderful to hear." Gabriel was commenting and was soon enough looking as the door opened up again and a figure wearing a baggy sweater came in, the hood up over their head. Although he knew it was his sister as soon as he saw the bracelet.
Mihaela was pushing off the hood of the sweater and Cortney was asking if she had learned anything interesting. This had Mihaela giving a nod before she was looking at Gabriel before she cooed, "I know where Mother is."
Gabriel was just raising an eyebrow before Mihaela was speaking, "She is the grand price for winning this stupid tournament." This had Gabriel pursing his lips together for a moment in time before he was commenting that there was no way that he was going to get far with that, he wasn't a fighter. And Mihaela couldn't risk it with being pregnant. Had she not been pregnant she would have joined in no problem.
“If you can get me in I’ll do it” Yuki looked at them both “if my mother was still alive she would tan my hide for not doing what I can to help get your mother to safety”
"This is hand to hand combat. No weapons allowed. And it is difficult. There are ten rounds that you have to win, and then there is the top fighter that you will have to beat. And nobody has been able to do that." Gabriel was mumbling with a small sigh before he was commenting that Yuki was going to need a partner to assist him as well. This had Mihaela giggling before she was speaking, "You will have to go down and register. There is a woman sitting at the registration desk wearing a black crop top. Let her know that Phantom states she is calling in that favor that was owed."
Yuki nodded his head and then handed her his phone the picture still up on the screen “your best friend had her baby both are doing fine” Yuki then headed down to the table so that he could get registered
Mihaela was taking the phone for a moment to look at the image before she was giving a small smile and was messaging a congrats to the pair of them, before asking if it was a boy or a girl. After that she was watching Yuki leave before she was taking a seat next to Gabriel, who was just gently rubbing her back and asking if she was alright.
When he arrived he spoke with the female in the black crop top and called in the favor that was owed. Once registered Yuki headed to where he was to wait to fight
The female at the table was nibbling on a breadstick and was just smirking when Yuki was commenting that a favor was being called in. After that he was leaving, and with that she was actually getting up and heading off herself. Off to go change first and then she would go and join him. Yuki would notice that there weren't any females at all in the room, at least not until the woman that had had spoken to at the table was walking into the room.
"Sapphire. A surprise to see you here." one of the other guys spoke which had her rolling her eyes before she was cooing, "I'm always here." With that she was walking over to where Yuki was at and just stood in front of him, facing him before she was questioning, "Confession time. How the hell do you know Phantom? She doesn't ever reveal herself to anybody."
Oh this was a strong indication that this woman and Mihaela knew more about each other beyond the gang world.
Yuki smiled and held up his hand showing is wedding ring “this is how” Yuki didn’t know the others and he wouldn’t risk his wife’s safety
Sapphire was just looking for a moment before she found herself laughing a bit. "Man I would have never seen that coming. When we were kids we always talked about growing up. Growing up, our future jobs, marriage, kids. She was opposed to ever getting married, not liking the idea of becoming some housewife." she spoke after a moment in time although it wasn't long before she was looking towards the doors as they flew open and somebody else came in. Another fighter than had just wanted to make an entrance it seemed.
This had Sapphire raising an eyebrow before she was commenting that her half-brother, or last she had heard, was with the Japanese Mafia, working as one of the guards there. Although she hadn't heard from him in years, yet again that was her own fault for leaving home to explore, and see the world. She shared the same father as her brother, but different mothers. Sapphire's childhood wasn't horrible, but it wasn't the most pleasant either, probably because her mother had been terrified of the world. So she kept the pair of them locked away from the world, the only time Sapphire got to see that outside world was when she was with her father, and her brother.
“If you wish to visit just send word and we will be glad to have you” Yuki wouldn’t deny her the chance to see her family or her friend
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