The Mafia's arranged Marriage (Lunar and Guardian)

Mihaela was looking towards him before she spoke, "Of course I'm not going to go about it alone." Gabriel was looking over for a moment before he questioned, "Mihaela or Phantom?" "Phantom naturally." Mihaela was commenting which had her brother nodding and he was commenting that he would make a couple of calls for her.
Mihaela was looking for a moment before she spoke, "I'm less likely to be attacked as Phantom. After all... Nobody knows who Phantom truly is. They know that they are somebody to be feared, and they are hesitant to go after Phantom.... because they don't know what they are truly up against."
"i know you do but I will still worry we may have been thrown together but I love and want to keep you safe" Yuki hated how they had come together but he loved her none the less
Mihaela just looked towards him for a moment although she didn't say anything back. Honestly she always felt a bit hurt whenever he said that they had been thrown together. It was as though even now it was something that he didn't want.
Yuki touched the side of her face "I would change nothing Mihaela nothing at all do I wish how we had gotten together had been different maybe but then our whole relationship would be different and I love what we have and because of that I want nothing to change"
Gabriel was just watching for a brief moment in time before he spoke, "Mihaela... At least it is Yuki, and not that asshole from that other family that couldn't take a hint." This had Mihaela shuddering slightly before she spoke, "Yeah he didn't take the hint that I didn't want anything to do with him, even after I broke his nose."
Gabriel was just looking over before he spoke, "Well.... In the end.... she did. A broken arm. And the threat of death. He backed off pretty damn quickly."
"oh I know i remember all to well that you do not like to be cornered" Yuki smiled at her and then frowned when someone walked up and spoke to his sister rather intimately
Mihaela was looking over and was chuckling when Gabriel was actually shoving the male away, and telling them to fuck off. This was going to turn into something heated soon, especially considering she knew this male and his ways. This had Mihaela commenting after a moment in time, "Soooo.... I hope you realize that it is incredibly rude to flirt with a man's future wife.... with the future husband standing not even two feet away. Not to mention her brother is right here, and her sister in law."
Mihaela was just watching before cringing a bit when her brother was hauling off and decking the man in the face.
Mihaela just looked at him before she questioned, "Do you truly think that Gabriel is that damn violent?" No who would have figured that she would being walking up and grabbing her brother's gun from his hostler and just pointing it at the other man's forehead. Her brother was just questioning what the heck she was doing. "No Sakura. My brother only kills when necessary. He is not the violent and cold-hearted one." Mihaela spoke and without a second of hesitation she was actually pulling the trigger. Not as though it would have done anything, considering she had left the safety on, but that wasn't something that anybody else would have noticed.
Gabriel was watching the man walk off before he was taking his gun away from his sister, and putting it back in its place. "Those weren't pregnancy hormones at all. That was me proving a point. The only reason I didn't kill that man was that he didn't warrant being killed, just because he flirted with somebody." Mihaela spoke in a rather dry tone although she was looking towards Gabriel as the man was turning around to leave, which had her asking where he was going.
"I don't know, maybe I'll go and kill a couple of people because they were talking about somebody. Because I guess that is the kind of person I am. Somebody who just kills people for stupid reasons." Gabriel spoke before he was just walking away, although before he left he was tossing his phone to Mihaela, which was his way of stating that he just wanted everybody to fuck off and leave him alone.
Sakura blanched for a second and then pulled the ring she had been wearing off and tossed it at him smacking him dead in the center of his head before cussing him out in her native language and then she turned and stormed off

Yuki looked at Mihaela and scowled " obviously you need a refresher on what happens back home when a man flirts with another man's fiancé or wife. for the record they die the woman's partner kill him and vice versa, so for the record, Sakura was acting as she would have if this had been at home"
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