The Mafia's arranged Marriage (Lunar and Guardian)

Mihaela was just looking towards Yuki for a moment in time although she was just looking away and didn't say anything at all. Now she just felt like he was taking his frustration out on her. "And you need to remember that this is Italy, not Japan. Things are done differently here. Here if a man flirts with another man's fiance, typically she stands up for herself. Here our women know that they are capable of taking care of themselves, that they don't always need a man. Obviously that isn't how Japanese women are." Gabriel snapped and soon enough he was just disappearing off, not wanting anything to do with anybody else at that point in time. The ring was just left forgotten on the ground, the male not caring at all.
Mihaela just stood there quietly, tears burning a bit before she was turning on her heel. "Find me Cortney and Nathan." She told somebody and they were hurrying off.
Yuki went and found his sister who he eventually found packing her bags so that she could leave. Yuki spoke with her and after a bit agreed to let her return home as he didn't want to cause her more stress
Whenever Yuki would return to look for Mihaela, he would find that she wasn't within the mansion at all, and she had left her phone with somebody else. No she had taken Cortney and Nathan, and had left to go and get her mother back. Of course Gabriel knew exactly where his sister had gone, although he didn't plan on saying anything at all.
Not that Gabriel could really blame Mihaela for being mad at her husband, not with how it had seemed like he had taken his frustration out on her. He just leaned back behind his desk, currently speaking with his sister and was just wondering how everything was going. If she had found anything about their mother. Although he was giving a small sigh when she was stating that her prediction had been wrong, but there were a few other places to hit up.
It was a few hours and Gabriel found himself pacing a bit. So far he hadn't heard anything from any of them, which definitely had him a bit more nervous than not. Although one of the others was telling him that he just needed to relax a bit, that the three of them could take care of themselves. Especially Mihaela.
Eventually Nathan was returning back to the mansion, some blood on his clothing but he seemed to be uninjured. Gabriel was looking over before he was questioning where Mihaela and Cortney were at.
Gabriel was speaking with Nathan in a low voice although it wasn't long before his attention was turning towards Yuki as the other man came into the room.
Gabriel was just looking over before he spoke, "Not right now."

"I'm not even sure where they went. I do know that Mihaela had her brass knuckles and she seemed rather.... giddy." Nathan was commenting which just had Gabriel looking over for a brief moment.
"oh that is not good" Yuki winced a little as he had gotten her a duplicate set and that set had spiked that would come out when she clenched her fist
Gabriel was just looking over before he was questioning if anything had mentioned by either of them at all, about anything. This had Nathan speaking and soon enough he was mentioning something about the fight ring.

Gabriel was pausing for a moment in time before he spoke, "When in doubt... travel to the fight ring. You will find what you want."
"For Mihaela and Cortney, nope not at all. For anybody who pisses them off, then yes." Gabriel was commenting in a calm voice.
Soon enough they were arriving at the ring and Gabriel was just looking around. Oh there were whispers that Phantom was there.
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