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The Mafia's arranged Marriage (Lunar and Guardian)

Mihaela just looked towards Yuki for a moment in time before she gave a slight shake of her head. "That seems like a rather stupid tradition, especially if she is injured. Just auto losing a challenge. I would personally think that should she be injured or unable to fight then nobody is allowed to challenge her." With that she was giving a small shrug of her shoulders before she was moving away from the window. "Lets get going." she commented.
“Not our choice and dad has tried to get it over turned but to no such luck” Yuki then walked her and headed out so they could leave
"Traditions can easily be broken." Mihaela was commented before she was shifting her hair out of her face and tying it up into a ponytail.
Mihaela just looked towards him for a moment in time before she was cooing, "Well I suppose they shall learn that I'm not one to trifle with either."
“That they will but don’t be surprised if your challenged frequently” Yuki gathered his things quickly so that they could lock up and head out.
Sakura struggled to stand so that they could leave and get somewhere safer
Mihaela just glanced towards him for a moment in time before she inquired, "And what exactly do I get out of getting into a fight with these people? Even if they beat me though, they still shouldn't have the right to date Sakura. And I decide who I date."

Gabriel was going over and helping her up after he had tended to her wounds. Time to get the hell out of there. He was commenting to her that she would be returning home with himself and his father, while his sister was going to be going back with Sakura's family.
"bragging rights mainly no one has as of yet beat my sister and if your anything like her they won't be able to beat you" Yuki walked with her so that they could get to the airport quickly with out being spotted "plus it is funny to watch them run with their tails between their legs"

Sakura grumbled but she understood why with her being hurt every male in the other families would be trying to beat her in a fight so they could date her
Mihaela just looked over for a moment before she was commenting that they were going to be in for a major shock. With that walked all good beside him, looping her arm through his. In her hand was a travel brochure. Make it seem like they were tourists.
Yuki chuckled and then walked with her slowly making there way to the airfield. "I'll give you a crash course on our more strict customs and rule on the plane ride, but it is a good thing your ruffly the same size as my sister so when we arrive you will be able to wear her kimono off the plane till we can get some made for you as they are the requirement whenever we visit another family or they visit us which sadly is often" Yuki quietly filled her in on their more lax rules and such so that she could focus on the main ones
Mihaela just glanced towards him before she spoke, "As long as the kimono is comfortable and it is easy to move in, then I won't have any problems with it. Although if one tries to tell me that I can't skateboard we are going to have issues." Nope that was one thing that she was going to fight on, considering that was something that she did to keep herself calm, especially if she was having a rough day.
"they usually are but Sakura has hers weighted down for some reason but i think the one she brought for the return trip hasn't had the weights added yet" Yuki frowned a little and wondered why his sister did that but she couldn't figure it out
Mihaela just raised her eyebrow before she was giving a small shrug. She had no idea and honestly she wasn't going to question too much about it at that point in time. Nope she was just going to deal with it. As long as she could move easily in it, she wasn't going to have an issue. "Alright so as we are walking just tell me some of the other things that I should know. More like mannerisms I should pay attention to. Else I 'm just going to continue to act like myself." she commented, her Romanian accent clear as day.
Yuki nodded his head and started going over the more important behaviors that she would need to follow and when she would need to follow them and how clearly
Mihaela just looked towards him before she spoke, "Well by the sounds of it I still have my own freedom to do whatever I want. Although if I leave the house... I have to take a guard with me. Will that be necessary truly? Not like many people will recognize who I am." But if she had to take a guard with her, she wasn't going to complain too much.
"yes sadly there are those who will try to harm you simply because you are our guest" Yuki knew that things would change and soon but until then there was nothing that they could do
Mihaela just looked towards him for a moment in time before she was commenting that they were going to have a fun time trying to harm her. She had yet to lose a fight, and even if she was injured she still somehow managed to continue the fight. Especially if she was in a dire situation and there was no way out. She would continue to fight until help came or the problem had been taken care off.
"it is still required i even hate it but i just have to deal" Yuki walked with her and explained a few more things so she knew what to expect when they arrived
Mihaela just scoffed for a moment in time before she spoke "Well as long as they don't try and stop me from doing the things I like, I suppose I can deal with it." With that she was looking at her phone as it buzzed. A message from her brother stating that they had gotten to the airport safely. Well that was good to hear.
"they won't you may have to take some sword-wielding lessons though" Yuki then explained why so that she knew and didn't fight it when they arrived
Mihaela just looked towards him before she spoke, "I am not a sword person. I prefer my daggers, or my whip." But she wasn't going to fight it at all, not like this was the first time that she had done sword training. But even since then she still had the weapons that she preferred.
"that is understandable not many people are" Yuki sighed when they arrived at the airport and he saw that his sister was safe a little worse for wear but safe
"I mean I can use them if needed." Mihaela was chuckling before she was looking towards the other two, and was giving a slight smile when she noticed that they were safe. It wasn't long before their father's were coming up and she was inquiring as to why they were all of a sudden splitting up how they were. And she was commenting that she knew it was more than just to protect them.

Adrian was giving a sigh before he spoke, "We have decided to marry you guys off. Sakura and Gabriel shall get married, while yourself and Yuki will get married. As for who gets married first, I'll leave that to you guys to decide." This had Gabriel going to say something in anger but he didn't say anything at all. No he decided that keeping his mouth shut was for the best, especially since he was staying with the man.

Mihaela on the other hand was looking towards their father's before she spoke, "You know you could have just talked to us and told us that you thought that this was the best plan, and let us decide. Not decide for yourselves what is happening with our lives." With that she was turning and walking off towards the plane.

Gabriel was just watching for a moment before he was looking towards Yuki before he spoke, "Give her a sketchbook and some pencils, and she'll be fine in a bit. She just doesn't like being forced to do stuff.... due to her past. I would ask her about it yourself. It will give you some insight into why she acts how she does in certain circumstances."
Yuki looked at him and nodded “ I will keep that in mind but for now I just need her to calm down and make it through this flight alive” Yuki was furious as well but given the way they had been brought up they had both been expecting it “ Keep her safe and if she starts to get mad either spar with her or give her a book that usually settles her down. Once we get home I’ll have her things packed and shipped to you”
Gabriel was giving a nod of his head before he was speaking, "I'll take care of your sister, and you be sure to take care of mine." Even if Mihaela wasn't his biological sister, she was still somebody precious to him.
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