The Mafia's arranged Marriage (Lunar and Guardian)

For the next few hours, Mihaela kept to herself, although it didn't really help that Yuki wasn't there either. She was wiping away a bit of sweat when there was a knock and somebody stating that there was somebody there for her. This had her taking a drink out of her water before she was turning on her heel to leave the room.
Mihaela was chuckling, still unsure about how she felt about that being the safe phrase, but she wasn't going to complain about it. "Then I shall be in your care until we arrive." she spoke before she was looking over at one of the people that was nearby, and asking them to just let Yuki know that she would see him later.
"I'll pass on the message to him. Drake and I will be seeing him within the next hour or so anyways. Drake has to go over party security stuff with him." came the familiar voice of Mira as she walked up, a smile on her lips. Mira was waving to the driver before she cooed, "You had better tell the Lord of Fabric that I said hello."
While she was headed to get a dress Sakura had lashed out against the male harassing her only to end up getting hit with such force that he split her lip and sent her to the ground causing her arm and leg to get damaged
"What the hell do you think you are doing?!" came a new female voice and soon enough another woman came up out of nowhere, her arms folded across her chest. An obviously pregnant woman, and the girlfriend of the male that had taken to harassing Sakura. Not as though that seemed to matter most of the time, not lately anyways. She was moving over to Sakura to see if she was okay before she was looking at the male and told him that he needed to stay the hell away from Sakura, and to stop harassing her.
“Don’t worry Gabriel will deal with him if I don’t kill him” Sakura arm was throbbing and she badly wanted to go and rest now rather then wander
Cali was shaking her head before she was giving the other woman a hand up. "My name is Cali. I'm sorry about him." She spoke although her voice was low, as though she felt at fault. Once she was assured that Sakura was good and one of the others had come over to help Sakura back to her room, Cali was gliding over to her boyfriend and smacking him across the face.
having heard to commotion several guards arrived and escorted the male away before guiding both of the girls to the medical wing. with hos Sakura was holding her arm she either bruised it or fractured it depending on how she landed
Cali was just following after the men towards the medical wing, and was just giving a faint sigh. Man this was just going to cause issues later on, and she wasn't looking forward to that at all. "I hope that the injury wasn't serious. And I'll be sure that my boyfriend learns his lesson." Cali spoke in a soft voice before looking towards Gabriel's mother as she came into the room.
The nurse who was Currently tending to Sakura jumped why then female let out a small pained scream when she touched her arm. One of the guards moved and kept her from falling off the bed before looking at Cali “you are not at fault and he is already being secured as he attacked the young masters fiancé”
"You already know he finds ways out of being punished. It will never change. " Cali was commenting before she was stretching a bit, a light hand on her stomach.
Cali was just looking over although she didn't say anything at all, she kept quiet. She was however looking towards the door at commotion and in came the same person that was supposed to be locked up. No shock he was coming over and wrapping an arm around her waist.
Cali was giving a startled shriek. Although it didn't help that when the man was collapsing, she was being dragged down to the ground as he fell.
once of the guards helped Cali up but no one moved to help the male all while watching Sakura closely since they were all a little worried she would hurt one of them since she now had a weapon in her uninjured hand
"You fucking bitch." The male hissed and was getting to his feet. The guard who had helped Cali up would probably feel the faint tremble from her. "I don't have time for this childishness. Cali. Let's go." He spoke before grabbing her arm fatherly roughly and attempting to pull her away with him.
Sakura moved between then and fast enough that it startled every guard in there. a loud crack signaled when she used the iv stand again but she had also put herself between him and Cali
"Stop meddling in our affairs. You wanted me to leave you alone, so I am. But my girlfriend is coming with me." The male spoke and was still drawing Cali with him, the woman voluntarily going over to him. No she didn't want problems to be caused at all.
"Cali, why haven't you left this dumbass yet. So many better guys you could choice from. And hell there is one in this room that cares more about you and your baby than that bastard." Came the familiar voice of Gabriel as he came into the room. Which guy was he talking about? The same guard that had taken to helping her up the moment she had fallen.
The male I question turned a brilliant shade of red when it was mentioned but stayed quite as he didn’t trust the male not to hurt her. Sakura snarked back “really is that why you hit me with enough force to slam me to the ground. That was you leaving me alone”
Gabriel was just raising his eyebrow before he was commenting that the male's best choice was to just leave the mansion, and not to return. "You will be blacklisted from the mansion. From my family's territory. I will make sure that everybody knows who you are, what you look like. There will be orders for you to be killed on sight." he spoke after a moment in time before he was going over to where Sakura and Cali were standing. "Cali, I can promise that he will not hurt you, he will not touch you. That being said, be honest with me..... do you truly want to leave with him?" Gabriel questioned in a soft voice, just wrapping a gentle arm around the young woman's shoulders. He could feel her trembling but after a moment in time she was speaking in a soft voice, stating that she didn't want to go with him. She was afraid of him, and she was stating that it wasn't as though he truly cared about her or the baby.
Sakura said nothing and let Gabriel work as she knew the girl trusted him more then her and given her current mood and pain level she was not a good candidate to remain calm
Gabriel just listened to Cali speak in a soft voice before he was gently pushing her off towards one of the guards, telling them to make sure she got to her rooms safely. "Sakura, he is free game. I just ask that if you kill him... do it outside of the infirmary. My mother doesn't like violence inside her infirmary." Gabriel spoke before he was gesturing for a couple of the other guards to go over and grab the man.
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