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The Mafia's arranged Marriage (Lunar and Guardian)

Mira was taking off the protective stuff that she was wearing before she was leaving the room, and heading off so that she could get back to Drake.
Mira was walking over to Drake and was just wrapping her arms around him in a hug, before she was apologizing in a soft voice. No typically when she said she wasn't going to do something, she stuck to her word. But this was something completely different. Although at least she had merely assisted until he was stable, leaving the rest of the work to the other doctors and surgeons.
Drake wrapped his arms around her andthen chuckled "it is ok you did what you felt needed to be done to save the male so dont feel bad"
Mira just looked towards him for a moment in time before she was commenting that she was ready to go back now.
Mira was giving a nod of her head before she spoke in a soft voice, "Even with me going in there to help. We almost lost him at least four different times. If he had died on my watch.... I.... I would have felt horrid."
Mira was just looking towards Drake for a moment before she was giving a nod of her head, although was distracted when her phone was going off.
Mira was just answering her phone, although a slight frown formed on her lips before she was just faintly shaking her head. "Brother dearest, I love you.... but sometimes I really want to hurt you. You can crash at my place. Trash it and I hurt you." she mumbled into the phone.
Mira was just looking at him out of the corner of her eye before she spoke, "As soon as we get back, we are cleaning your back, and getting it rewrapped up."
Mira just shook her head before she spoke, "Even if it is. You have serious injuries. If they get infected.... it isn't going to be pretty. At all."
Mira just looked at him before she was just mumbling that they had both been lucky it hadn't been down to the bone.
Mira was just looking at him before she was heading off so that she could climb into the car.

(We want to timeskip to something? What, I don't quite know.)
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