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The Mafia's arranged Marriage (Lunar and Guardian)

Mira was walking over and taking the clothes from him, changing into them. Nope she didn't really care if he watched at that point in time.
Mira just looked towards him before she spoke, "I'm sorry it went from me caring for you, to you caring for me."
Mira gave a faint chuckle before she spoke, "It helps that when you are told to rest, you listen." With that she was calling the hospital and letting them know what she was needing, and why she was needing it. There was the promise that everything would be ready by the time that she got there.
Mira was getting out of the car and was heading into the hospital with him. A few of the nurses was greeting them, and was taking them off to the observation room, which was set up with everything that was needed. If Drake wanted to stay, he could, if he wanted to leave he could leave.
Mira just watched on the screen and was using the intercom to communicate with the team down below. From where she was sitting she could see the head surgeon starting to panic. "Natasha. Take a deep breath, calm yourself. You can do this." she spoke in a gentle voice before she was walking her through the next couple of steps.
Mira was standing up after a moment in time as she watched through the window. Shit it seemed like Natasha was majorly panicking. With that she was actually tapping her fingers. Nope she was making the decision and heading out of the room, and off towards the room to get gowned up. The nurse that was in there was startled by her sudden arrival, and Mira was telling her to help her get gowned up. Which is exactly what the woman was doing, and soon enough Mira was heading into the operation room. The nurse had done the strange request that Mira had asked of her, and that was to give her one of the masks that they gave patients when they came in with coughs. "M...M...Mira. I.... there is so much blood." Natasha whimpered and was just trembling, and covered in blood. A major artery had been nicked, and it was turning into a mess. Stats were dropping dangerously low, and Mira was shooting off orders as she took over. No she was certain that Drake would understand, especially since he would be able to see from where he was at the person's stats, and the blood all over.
Drake sighed but when he saw what was going on he wasn't angry but he did warn one ofthe nurses to keep an eye on her while he didn't tell her why he just asked them to keep and eye on her
No Mira wouldn't have done anything if it hadn't been an emergency. Already a few of the other nurses that were in there were rushing off to get some blood as ordered. "She is quite amazing isn't she." a voice spoke from beside Drake as the former head of the hospital was coming into the room and sitting down, just watching.
The elderly man was giving a nod of his head before he spoke, "This isn't the first time she has done this. But she only steps in when she absolutely has to. Such as the case now. The surgeon panicking, and the patient was beginning to decline."
This had the elderly man raising an eyebrow before he spoke, "She won't finish it. She'll work until the patient is stabilized, and then she'll have somebody else take over."
"I know she won't she is pushing herself as it is, i wasn't going to let her out of the house but she insisted she wasn't going to go in there"
"And she wouldn't have, if it hadn't been a dire emergency. See the person on the operating table is a very high up member of the group that your family buys weapons from." the elderly man spoke before he was getting to his feet to leave. Well it seemed like the patient's stats were evening out once again, although Mira didn't make a move to leave quite yet. No she had to make sure that the patient remained stable.
"that would do it but even if somethign happened I would assure his family that everythign was done to save him" Drake wouldn't let her suffer because of somethign she couldn't control
It wasn't long before Mira seemed assured that the patient was going to be alright and she was allowing the others to take over once again. She had more or less taken care of the hard part while working on getting him stabilized.
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