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The Mafia's arranged Marriage (Lunar and Guardian)

Mihaela was getting out of the car and was following him up to the door. It was Mira that happened to be answering the door, and was inviting the pair of them in. Yeah she definitely looked like she had a fever.
The two females were eating and chatting at the same time, although it wasn't long before Mira seemed to be disappearing into the bathroom, getting sick. Mihaela did end up following after her to see if she was alright before she was gently feeling her forehead.
Drake followed right behind her and once she was done he picked her up ignoring the pulling sensation in his back and carried her to bed
Mihaela was just watching for a moment and was seeing that it was genuine, the feelings that the two had for each. "I'm sorry.... I ruined dinner. It was good though, what I did eat." Mira was speaking in a soft voice.
"don't worry about it it reheats just fine and you can have some more later for now just rest" Drake brushed her hair back from her face and smiled lightly
Yuki gently touched her shoulder after Drake got them a togo container of soup "lets head home and eat so he can tend to her while she is sick
Mihaela was jumping slightly when Yuki was touching her shoulder before she was giving a nod of her head when he was stating that they should get back. "I hope you both feel better soon." Mihaela spoke after a moment in time, as she was sliding her phone into her pocket, although it seemed she was a bit bothered.
Mihaela was just giving a small breath of air before she was just unlocking her phone and handing it over. It seemed like her biological birth parents had actually decided that they were going to seek her out, wanting to be apart of her life again. And from what the message was saying, from a contact, was that they had figured out where she was at, and was going to come to meet her in person.
Yuki looked at her "they won't be able to get past the front gate father has made it so in order to enter the house you have to either live there or have an appointment to get past the front gate" Yuki showed her the email from his father so she knew he was serious
"I think I'm just more weirded out because they had found me." Mihaela was commenting after a moment in time, letting out a breath of air.
Mihaela just looked over before she was giving a faint shrug, then made a comment that she truly didn't care in the end.
Mihaela was just giving a nod of her head before she was shifting and laying her head down on his lap.
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