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The Mafia's arranged Marriage (Lunar and Guardian)

Mihaela just looked towards him before she spoke, "We do need to go ring shopping, we don't have wedding rings."
Mihaela was just giving a smile before she was digging through her clothes to find something to wear. Although the only shitty thing was that most of her shirts were tight fitting, which isn't want she wanted. That was the last thing that she wanted.
Mihaela was giving a nod of her head before she was commenting that she wasn't sure where his sister's room was. Although she was tilting her head before she questioned, "So you remember how you had told me that people would challenge Sakura to try and win her hand. Since I am here in her stead but obviously I can't fight, but I'm married. What does that mean for those people who try to challenge?"
Yuki frowned a little "because your injured all challenges are postponed but you can still fight in her stead as you are protecting your sister in law" Yuki then guided her to his sisters room down the hall
Mihaela was giving a nod of her head before she was following after him to Sakura's room, and was inquiring if Sakura would actually mind if she borrowed another one of her kimonos.
Mihaela was giving a nod of her head before she was just pulling out a random kimono, not really caring at that point.
Mihaela had been able to do it up rather quickly, although probably would have been able to do it more efficiently if she hadn't been hurt, and moving wrong pulled at the bandages.
Mihaela was taking his offered hand and was following after him. "I wonder how Drake is right now." she spoke in a soft voice.
"probably cooking I got word the Mira is down with a fever so he is probably making his famous chicken soup" Yuki discribed the smell and taste to her
"Now I'm want to stop by his house just for some soup." Mihaela was commenting with a soft giggle.

Mira was waking up after a little bit and was crawling out of bed and making her way to the kitchen. Oh it did smell heavenly. Well it had although evidently it had been done ready a while ago. She had been asleep for a few hours already without realizing it.
"it takes several hours to cook so we can swing by after our shoping" Yuki then texted to see when the soup would be ready since he knew with her being ill he would be making it.

Drake looked at his phone and said the noodles were almost done and would be going in soon. Drake then looked at her and got her a small bowl of the broth "here see if this sits if it does I'll give you some with veggies and all that in it
Mira was just looking towards him before she was taking a seat at the counter and just taking the bowl of broth from him. "Sorry you are taking care of me, when it should be the other way around. I felt the fever form last night but I figured it was just from the lack of sleep." she spoke in a soft voice before taking a small sip of the broth.

Mihaela was giving a nod before she was commenting that that sounded wonderful to her.
"that is fine Mira I expected somethign like this to happen you have been working crazy hours" Drake smiled and watched her eat the broth
Mira was just commenting that a lot has been going on and most doctors had been on call for it all. That new gang that was going around and causing problems in their territory, they weren't helping at all.
Drake nodded his head "yea they are part of why Yuki got married and why Sakura is in Italy" Drake then pulled a not out for her form Sakura "she wanted to give you this"
Sakuras note told her about the arraingment between her father and Adrian and then also gave her permission to talk to Adrians wife about her medical history and general health should she call and ask
Mira was just reading the letter before she was giving a faint nod of her head. Alright well that all made sense then, although I doubt those two knew that Yuki and Mihaela were already married.
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