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The Mafia's arranged Marriage (Lunar and Guardian)

Mira was giving a faint smile as she took another sip of the broth before mumbling that she needed to go home and get some clothes.
Mira was giving a nod of her head before she spoke, "I hadn't planned on driving at all. I know my limits." She needed to get some clothes and some feminine supplies.
Well the broth seemed to be settling in her stomach at that point in time, which was a good thing.

"Oh look at these rings." Mihaela spoke as she found a couple of wedding rings. They weren't the cliqued white diamond ones. Actually these were more of the onyx color.
"One of the reasons that I like them." Mihaela was humming after a moment in time before she was stating that anything would work for her though.
"what are the other reasons you like them" Yuki figured if she liked them enough to point them out then he wanted to get them for her
"I like them because they are so unique. And it is said that an onyx is a powerful stone of protection, taking negative energy and converting it." Mihaela spoke in a soft voice, before she was adding on that she had always had a thing for onyx anything. It was truly a beautiful stone. Although they were expensive so she was just going to shake it off, and go look at some other ones.
while she was looking at different one Yuki got a hold of the sales girl and bought them since he knew her ring size as they were sized when they came in he was able to get the perfect fit for her
Mihaela didn't even seem to notice, she was looking at some other rings at that point in time. "Hey babe, how are you?" a voice behind her questioned and she was giving a flinch of pain when he was wrapping an arm around her, pressing up against her back. "I would be better if you would get your hands off of me. I already have a man, and no I don't want another one." she spoke.
Mihaela was looking towards Yuki as he came over but was cringing at the hand that moved from her side to her back directly. The man was just pushing her off towards Yuki and was commenting that he was sorry, he hadn't known.
Mihaela was just following after him, and looking around for a little bit. Oh there was a store with baby stuff in it and she was window shopping as she walked past. How she wanted to have a child at some point, but that wasn't a decision that only she could make. Okay well not completely anyways. There was the chance of an accidental pregnancy. But that could still end badly if Yuki didn't want any kids.
Yuki saw where she was looking and then chuckled "we can come back another day to window shop if you want soup we need to get going"
"Oh...Umm.... Yeah sorry." Mihaela was speaking before she was heading off with him so that they could get going.
"no need to be sorry and before you get nervous yes someday I would like to have kids" Yuki walked her back to the car before he pulled out the ring box and offered it to her
Mihaela was just looking towards him a bit shocked when he said that before she was giving a faint smile before speaking that now she didn't have to worry about getting herself on birth control.
Mihaela was nodding before she was opening up the box, a bit startled to see the rings that she had been looking at in there.
"I figured if you like the pair enough to stare at them for so long they were the right ones" Yuki smiled at her lightly before starting the car
Mihaela was just taking out the smaller ring, the one that she would be wearing and was sliding it on her finger to examine it. It was truly gorgeous, and definitely fit them. And his was being kept in the box for him to put on when he wasn't driving.
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