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The Mafia's arranged Marriage (Lunar and Guardian)

Without realizing it, Mihaela found herself falling asleep, yet again him stroking her hair definitely wasn't helping whatsoever.
The driver was just giving a nod of his head and just continued with his driving. Although in the end he was having to slam on the breaks when another car seemed to pull out and block them off. Well this definitely had Mihaela awake once again, kind of hard not to wake up when that happened.
Mihaela was just looking towards him for a moment and was just questioning what the heck was happening. The driver was stating that they were a bit outnumbered, and they really didn't have any weapons on them.
"you know how to get past this so do it we'll get secured" Yuki moved some things in the back and a harness for each of their seats were revealed
Mihaela was just looking towards Yuki for a moment then towards the driver, who was just nodding his head. "Wait....W...What is going on?" she questioned.
Mihaela was giving a small nod of her head, although it was a bit evident that she was slightly scared.
The driver was looking back for a moment before he was speaking, "You may regret that." It was almost as though a switch had been flicked in the driver's head. Yet again, this wouldn't be something that Yuki wasn't aware of. After all, this driver was the one that typically took Yuki anywhere the male needed to go.
"keep us all alive and get us out of here and I don't care what happenes just dont kill or hurt any innocents" Yuki knew and while he was n't worried he needed them to get out of there
The male was giving a nod and soon enough they were shooting off. Mihaela was just wrapping her arms around Yuki lightly, and was just watching out the window.
Mihaela was giving a nod of her head before she was looking at her phone briefly when it vibrated.
Eventually Mihaela was just curling up on the seat next to him and was closing her eyes. Mind as well relax for the time being.

Gabriel was looking towards Sakura after she had woken up, after her injuries had been tended to once again. "Mother says that you are banned from leaving the house for a couple of days. For recovery purposes."

Mira was awake, although still wasn't feeling any better than she had been. She was speaking on her phone to somebody, just sighing a bit as she pushed some of her hair out of her face. Medical questions. She wanted to go in and preform the surgery herself, but she knew that Drake wouldn't allow her to do that. Although.... perhaps she could go there to verbally assist with the surgery.
Sakura groaned and then looked at him "really I can't even leave" while she wasn't pleased she knew his mother was only looking out for her health.

Drake looked at her from where he was sitting "what are you wanting to do Mira"
Mira just looked towards him for a moment in time before she was speaking, "A complicated surgery is being preformed, and the surgeon that is preforming it in my stead isn't confident in themselves. They are wanting my assistance in the matter. Which I can do easily, being there in person I can verbally direct them."

"Just for a few days. You have free range of the house and property, but she asks that you not leave to do anything crazy." Gabriel commented after a moment in time.
Drake sighed "you are not to go in your sick and you going in to the surgery suit will put the person at risk so observation only ok"

Sakura nodded her head and then struggled to sit up as her side was killing her
Mira was looking over before she was nodding her head then spoke, "Observation room is fine, I can still watch, and I can still direct." Plus she could work her magic so that she could get an actual monitor in that room, so that she could see the injury on the screen as well.
Mira just looked towards him before she spoke, "Typically I wouldn't do this but it is a VIP patient."
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