The Mafia's arranged Marriage (Lunar and Guardian)

Mira was just giving a soft sigh before she spoke, "It is going to take some time for that to heal. But I'll do what I can to help speed up the process, I'll do what I can to make sure that you are comfortable."
"don't worry about it I'll just have to get use to not being as mobile that is all" Drake didn't want her over working herself for him
"It won't last long. We will work on it." Mira spoke in a gentle voice as she was taking out her phone to make a call, to the grocer and was rattling off what she was needing. "Oh no it isn't going to be delivered to my home this time." she commented before she was stating the new address that it would be getting delivered to, and stating that there was no new card information, to put the charge on her account.
Mira was just watching for a moment before she was heading off to go grab a few other things, and she was waiting for the grocer. After a while Drake would be able to feel a bit more strength in his legs.
Mira was looking over towards him with a gentle smile, before she was going over to help him with walking. Although she was giving a startled shriek when his front door was flying open and a male came rushing in. Just one of Drake's men who had just heard that he had been injured.
"god damn it what did I fucking say about fucking knocking on my damn door rather then just busting the fuck in" Drake glared at the male and was more then a little pissed off at that point
Mira was just watching for a moment in time before she was giving a small giggle which had the other male turning to face her. "Oh who is this babe." the male was questioning as he walked over to Mira. "Your girlfriend? If not, I so want a piece of that. Even if she is, we could so share." Although he was a bit startled when Mira's hand came into contact with his face. "I am not some fucking toy that can be passed around for the fun of it." she spoke in a rather dark voice.
Drake pulled her close and tucked her to his side and then kissed her head "calm Mira no need to castrate him just yet" Drake then looked at him "you better have a good reason for bothering me"
"I heard that you were injured so I came to check on you. I had just gotten done visiting Lord Yuki and his wifey. I'm so proud of them. Only been married a day and they've already consummated their marriage." the male was commenting after a moment in time. Mira was just listening before she was sighing and commenting that she really hoped that the two hadn't pushed it too much, they were still healing. "That and I came to let you know that.... the Leader of the Red Skulls showed up at the mansion." he spoke which had Mira just looking over for a moment before she was commenting, "If you need somebody to talk to him, I can do it."
"no Mira its fine" Drake then looked at him "fisr let him know that as sook as someone is cleared they will speak with him secondly if I cantch you snooping or being a peeping tom again I will take you to Italy and let Sakura deal with you as we both know how she feels about that" Sakura had already beaten the males ass once before for peeping and had threatened to kill him if she foudn out he had done it again
Mira just looked towards Drake before she spoke, "No I am being serious, let me talk to him. I have more sway over him than one could imagine. Please trust me." Yeah their gang and the Red Skulls were at odds constantly but she could easily settle that, in a few minutes nonetheless.
"Umm.... Yeah about that.... Yuki is the one who told me to come and talk it over with you. To see what you had to suggest. Because the Red Skulls won't leave. I say that if the woman can convince them to leave. We let her try." the man was speaking after a moment in time. Not like it was going to hurt at all.
"the womans name is Mira and your best option is to get out of my house right this moment" Drake was more then a little pissed off at that point
The male was just looking over for a moment in time before he was looking at Mira before he was asking her super nicely to come with him and talk to the Red Skulls. He was worried that they were going to cause trouble which just had her sighing before she spoke, "Lets get going then."
Drake told the male to leave and before she headed out handed her both a gun and a tazer "he shouldn't try anythign but if he does taze his ass or shoot him which ever makes you feel better"
Mira looked over before she hummed, "Trust me. He won't try anything. I'll have your friend record everything for you." With that she was actually giving him a kiss on the lips and heading off.
"I was talking aobut his ass the the red skull leader he won't try anything" Drake then watched as they headed out with a soft smile
Mira was giving a small giggle before she spoke, "Gotcha." After that she was going off with the male, and heading back to the mansion. Actually if Drake went to his laptop when he got a call, he would see his second in command actually recording everything for him so that he could watch.
Mira was approaching the Red Skulls group, with a few of those that worked under Drake standing near her in case they needed to protect her. Although when the leader was turning around, it was pretty obvious that he was very startled to see the woman there. Actually a number of the members seemed to bit startled. "Ah.... Hi big sister." the leader was speaking and rubbing the back of his head. Man this was awkward as all hell, and a shock to the other gang members that were under Yuki, a shock to Drake as well. Yet again this was the first time in almost three years that they had seen the Red Skulls, there having been rumors that they had been all killed. Mira was just looking at the male before she spoke, "You asshole! If you ever decide to fucking disappear on me like that again, I'm going to make you wish that you were dead." This had the younger male raising his hands in self defense before he was questioning why she was there, which had her putting a hand on a cocked him. "I'm here on behalf of my boyfriend, who cannot be here right now. We are wishing for an alliance with the Red Skulls, but one that is kept secret. In public, it will be as though we are enemies. But in the shadows, we will be trading information. There is a dangerous group out there, that as vast as we are, we cannot pinpoint. But you guys, you may be able too." Mira spoke after a moment in time. One would think she was an actual gang member, but her nervousness was hidden in her hands which she was fidgeting with behind her back now.
Drake watched what was going on but he knew she would have some explaining to do once she returned. Drake then looked at the time and wondered if she would kill him for having some coffee
In the end it seemed like the Red Skulls were agreeing and turning to leave. Once they were out of sight, Mira was sinking down to her knees in relief. She honestly hadn't been expecting things to go that smoothly, she had suspected somebody to interject.
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