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The Mafia's arranged Marriage (Lunar and Guardian)

while Sakura's brother and his new wife were healing up and learning the ropes for their new station Sakura was actively avoiding a member of the other group as he was constantly harassing her and refused to believe her when she informed him that she was engaged to be married. as it was the male currently had her pinned against the wall while he was trying to convince her to go out with him. having had enough Sakura shoved him away and raced over to where she knew Gabriel was as this time he had corssed a line and she was determined to either have Gabriel deal with him or the male would fall to her sword.
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Sakura would find Gabriel outside gliding through the obstacle course that was in their backyard. He had found himself a bit bored, and truly wishing that Mihaela were there. She made it far more fun going through the course, turning it into a race. "Hey Gabe." One of the other guys called which had him pausing from where he was crossing over some bars. He just took to hanging upside down to see what he was suppose to look at.
Sakura walked up still shaking but she did her best to hide it since she didn't want to freak him out or upset him too much. Sakura looked over at the others and waved at them with a small smile and then looked at Gabriel and figured she would just watch him hoping the male would leave her be if she was this close to him
Gabriel just studied her for a moment before he was moving to grab onto the Bara so that he could get down. "What's up? " He questioned her in a curious voice.
Sakura looked behind her and then moved closer when the male started walking over to them "he won't leave me alone" Sakura's voice was so soft if anyone spoke her words would be drowned out
Gabriel just looked at her before he gave a nod then spoke "Oh, Mihaela called earlier. She says she misses us, you should five her a call." This would keep the male away for a while as well, considering the fear he had of both siblings.
Sakura nodded her head lightly "I will later" Sakura had been helping her out with learning how to properly wear a Kimono for formal events where it was required
after she took the phone Sakura moved closed settling at his side and pressed close with this he would be able to feel she shaking from fear of the male. Sakura then answered the phone "Hey sis how is everything going?"
Gabriel just wrapped an arm around her before he spoke "Hey Mihaela." This had the guy pausing in his walking towards them, and he seemed to be steering away, as though that was the actual intent.

Mihaela was a bit glad that it was Sakura who was answering. "So there is some kind of ball tonight and I have to wear formal wear. More formal than evidently I have. And.... I don't know if I can do this." Currently she did have Sakura on a Bluetooth, her phone laying on the ground since she was in the empty room that had been converted into a dance studio.
Sakura giggles a little “ok calm down I can help you there in my room is a roll-a-dex and if you go to the section for Z and look for Zane let him know your my sister in law and what is going on and he will transform you plus he is good and taking formal wear and giving you room to store your weapons” Sakura slowly calmed down and leaned in to Gabriel as she felt safe and comfortable with him
Mihaela just chuckled before she spoke, "Oh I am as calm as I can be at this point in time. Your father and brother converted an unused room into a dance studio for me. Which I am grateful for." If she wasn't skateboarding, she was dancing. Needless to say, dancing wasn't going to be a problem whatsoever for her. That were rare few dances that she didn't know, and those that she didn't know where some of the more ancient and not as well known native american dances, or dances that had long since been forgotten. "I shall do that." she hummed into the phone before she was inquiring what seemed to be bothering Sakura.
“ a guy here keeps following me and harassing me and won’t take no or I am engaged for an answer he cornered me to day and grabbed my chest” Sakura didn’t like saying it out loud but she knew the other female would hound her till she did
Mihaela paused in her dancing for a moment before she essentially described the male perfectly, already knowing exactly who the female was talking about. "Yeah tell Gabriel to punch him for me, and have Gabe pass on the message that I know what he is doing and then when I come visit, I'm beating his ass." she spoke after a moment in time before she was going over and snagging her phone so that she could head off and find that number.
“I’ll do that he looks pushed at my words so I am going to hang up now” Sakura then hung up and looked at Gabriel “ sorry”
Mihaela just gave a chuckle before she was commenting for her to call whenever she was having issues, and she would settle the issue as needed. With that she was heading off to Sakura's room and was digging through stuff. Oh there is what she was looking for. Scrolling down to the Zs she eventually found the name that she was looking for. Time to give this Zane person a call to see if he could help. With that she was dialing the number.
A receptionist answered the phone when it rang and listened to who she was and then transferred her to Zane.

Sakura looked at Gabriel and dropped her head more then a little embarrassed over everything
Mihaela had retreated back to the dance studio while waiting for the call to go through. She spoke with the receptionist and was thanking her when she was told to hold for a moment. She was turning on her music softly and was dancing, waiting for the person to answer the phone. Not that she didn't have time.

Gabriel just looked towards her for a moment before he spoke, "No need to worry. Mihaela had the same problem, until she showed him not to fuck with her."
“Your mom won’t let me carry my swords yet or I would have” Sakura shuddered at the thought of the male getting close to her again

Zane picked the phone up when he saw the light “ Zane speaking how may I make you shine today”
Mihaela heard the male answer before she was speaking, "My name is Mihaela and I'm Sakura's sister in law. She told me to give you a call, as you could help me. There is a ball coming up and it seems that formal wear is needed for this, which isn't something that I have."
Zane listened to her “ yes I can I’ll snd a car for you in two hours the drive will give you this pass phrase to identify him self” Zane then told her the phrase so she could be ready whe the driver arrived.
Mihaela was smiling gently before she spoke, "Thank you." She was repeating the phrase back to him, to make sure that she herself knew it and was soon enough hanging up with him. Back to her dancing at that point in time.
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