The Mafia's arranged Marriage (Lunar and Guardian)

Drake looked at her and like Yuki had expected Drake pulled her until she was laying on top of him before flipping so she was next to him. Drake also made no move to let her go at that point
Mira was a bit startled by that, but found herself unable to get away from him at that point in time. In the end she was just giving into it, enjoying the warmth and was soon enough falling asleep next to him. Mihaela was just watching with a faint giggle before she was commenting that if they weren't dating, they totally should be. They were quite cute together.
"they aren't but they both have a thing for each other so I wouldn't be surprised if they do" Yuki smiled at her and then shifted her over a bit so he could get in to the bed with her
Mihaela was moving over and was letting him lie down next to her. She was shifting a bit so that she was laying on her side more and was using his chest as a pillow, the arm that had the ivs in it draped over his stomach.
Eventually, Mihaela ended up falling asleep. After a few hours Yuki's grandfather was arriving up to the room. Mihaela was still fast asleep and it seemed like Mira was still fast asleep next to Drake, whom was being nudged awake by Yuki's grandfather, just as Yuki was being nudged awake.
The older man was just commenting that he had wanted to check on how they were doing, as he had heard from some of the others that there had been some injuries. Mira was rousing a bit at the new voice which had her rubbing her eyes a bit and just looking to see who was there. Oh it was the old man.... her boss technically since he owned the hospital. Man this felt awkward now.
"yea there were some injuries but Mira and her staff have taken great care of us all" Yuki smiled at the old man and then looked down at his wife with a smile
Mihaela didn't seem to rouse at all, although there was a look of pain that crossed her features when she moved wrong. Mira was just looking towards the man for a moment before she was going to get up from the bed.
Drake felt her shift to get up and locked his arms around her preventing her from getting up from the bed.

Yuki looked over and chuckled "relax Mira you are off duty and he snagged you so you won't be getting in to trouble"
Mira was just pausing for a moment before she was giving a nod and took to laying back down again. No she would take this time to sleep some more. She was dead exhausted, and it probably didn't help that the last few days she had practically been living at the hospital.
This had the elderly man looking towards Yuki for a moment before he was making that comment that he was wanting to name a new head of the hospital anyways, and had already gone around collecting suggestions from other staff.
"I can tell you who you should promote knowing them they will turn this hospital on it ear and then fix it" Yuki looked at Mira knowing full well she would thrive in the position
This had his grandfather looking over and was curious as to who his grandson meant. Although when he saw the boy's eyes flickering towards the woman who was once again asleep next to Drake, he was giving a small chuckle. "There have been a number of people who have recommended Mira." the elderly man was speaking.
"and I would agree with them she has made sure the both of them are well taken care of plus she truly cares for those here in the hospital" Yuki looked at the other doctor to come in and inform them they they would be able to leave soon
This had the elderly man giving a nod before he was stating that he would officially announce it in his upcoming news statement to all employees. After that he was turning to leave but paused for a moment. "When you leave, please make sure she gets home as well." the elderly man spoke.
"I'll probably have her got with Drake she can keep an eye on him and get some rest as he will insist on it" Yuki then said goodbye to his grandfather and went back to sleep like the others
After another few hours, Mihaela's phone was vibrating with a message from her brother stating that they had gotten back to Italy safely. She was actually awake enough to look at the message. Although as she was rousing she was noticing that Mira was awake as well, and the woman was coming over to check up on her.
Yuki woke when her phone went off and stretched a little under her before he looked at Mira "the chairman gave you the next two weeks off he said your working to hard and need a break"
Mira was looking over for a moment before she spoke, " I know I just spoke to him a bit ago." She was checking over Mihaela and making a note of stuff that she was going to need for recovery. After that she was going over to Drake and was checking over his injuries as well.
"I ask that you please tend to Drake well as he has a tendency not to want to listen to doctors" Yuki then smiled at both females before moving to get out of bed
Mira just looked towards Yuki for a moment in time before she was giving a faint smile, then spoke that she could do that." After that she was actually giving Yuki the discharge papers for his wife.
Yuki looked them over and nodded his head "I can make sure this is done" Yuki then looked at his wife "you ready to head home rather then spend the day in a hospital"
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