The Mafia's arranged Marriage (Lunar and Guardian)

Mihaela watched for a brief moment, a faint smirk on her lips. Within the next hour or so it seemed like the others had managed to find their location. And when they walked in they would find a chained up Korbin with blood dripping down his back. Mihaela was collapsed on the floor her hair strewn all over the place, but she was breathing.
Drake was still awake but barely and he had been tending to Mihaela to keep her from bleeding out. Drake looked up when Sakura walked in and nodded his head in greeting. Sakura greeted him back and then ordered for the two fo them to be taken back to the house and tended too immediately while she dealt with Korbin
Gabriel was heading inside the building as well, although his eyes were narrowing when he saw the condition that the two of them were in. His eyes were flickering towards the man that was chained up, who seemed to have a devious look on his features once again. "They both lasted longer than what I thought they would. Well Drake I knew would last a while, I was shocked that the woman lasted as long. Usually they don't last as long." Korbin was commenting although it wasn't long before Gabriel was striding up to him and was decking him in the face. As this was happening, some others were coming in to get the injured duo loaded up onto stretchers and taken to the hospital right away.
Sakura got between him and Gabriel "he is not work injuring your hand over trust me he is not even worth the chains that currently contain him" Sakura had placed both her hands on his chest and had moved close if anyone had come in right then they would have been mistaken on what was going on
Gabriel just looked over before he spoke, "No he deserved that punch in the face. What he doesn't deserve is death, that is too good for him. He deserves to be tortured." There was venom in his voice but he was turning his attention towards the injured too, who were being taken away into an ambulance. "Boss.... I am shocked to see you in this condition." one of the guys was commenting to Drake, somebody who worked under him and was taking to tending to some of the wounds now.
Sakura touched his face lightly and got him to look at her "torture is too good for him Gabriel he enjoys it and if he escapes he uses whatever was done on him on someone else he needs to be put down like the rabid skunk he is"

Drake chuckled a little "just get us out of here please"
Gabriel just gave her a look before he spoke, "Then let us please find the most painful way for him to die."

This had the male nodding and soon enough they were headed off. "So I have to wonder.... any other time you would have escaped and taken the person down. Why didn't you?"
Sakura smiled at him "I think I can do that " Sakura then stood on her toes and gave him a light kiss before heading off to dig through his papers to see what all he had had planned for them and to see what could be used against him

"knocked us out woke up chained" Drake's head was pounding at that point in time
It didn't take them long to get to the hospital, not with the sirens blaring at the fact that their drivers didn't care about being pulled over for speeding. Not that the jobs would truly try and stop them anyways. "But I have to wonder.... Why were you there and not with Lord Yuki?" the man was inquiring, have no clue who Mihaela was.
"I was assigned to protect her and that is what I was doing till we were grabbed" Drake looked over at her and sighed "expect a cranky and pissed Yuki to show up"
"Why would a cranky and pissed Yuki show up?" the man questioned, clearly confused at that point in time before he was looking over at the woman. Currently she was laying on her side on the gurney, passed out but her breathing was steady, which was a good thing. "I know that woman are just as strong as men at times but... looking at your backs.... I'm shocked that you both lasted as long as you did."
"luck and determination between both my self and the mistress" but using that title he would effectively tell them who she was to their master
The word mistress had the male blinking before he was looking back towards the female then at Drake. Oh man, yeah now he understood why Yuki was going to be so pissed. And it seemed like somebody was already making a call to Yuki about it. A dark haired woman wearing a nurse's uniform walked over towards them before she was clicking her tongue as she looked at Drake. "And once again you grace me your with presence." she spoke, although it was in a teasing tone as she was stating orders to get them moved into rooms up on the VIP ward.
Drake caught the nurses hand and kissed it "of course but this time I am at least awake" Drake knew he wouldn't be for long as he could feel himself fading and fast but he could keep awake long enough to tell her what happened
Mira was just listening to what had happened before she was just patting his hand gently before she spoke, "Don't worry I'll take care of you two. Get some sleep." Already there were a few others that were hurrying off to get ivs and what not prepared.
When the pair did wake up again they would find that their backs had been cleaned, tended too, and were wrapped in bandages. They currently had ivs in for pain killers and to make sure that they were getting liquids. The pair of them were in the same room as well it seemed to Mira that that would be a wise again. After all the pair had been brought in with similar injuries for a reason. And Yuki had yet to show up, so she had no knowledge of the woman. But since Drake had been concerned for her, that meant something.
Yuki arrived a few moments later he had first stopped by to check on his sister only to find both her and Gabriel arguing over how to kill Korbin in the most painful way possible. after checking on Drake her moved to his wife's side and took her hand holding it in his
Not that Gabriel was really arguing with Sakura about it, he was just more suggestion various different ways. Although after a bit he was commenting that they could just toss him into a piranha tank. Now that would definitely be very painful, and he wouldn't die right away.

Mihaela was beginning to come to and was just blinking a bit to the brightness that was around her. Where the hell? Soon enough there was a figure filling her vision, seemed like it was Yuki. Wait Yuki was there.... So they weren't in that warehouse anymore. "Is Drake okay....?" she questioned in a soft voice after a moment in time.
"he'll be fine the doctors took good care of you both" Yuki smiled at her but kept holding her hand lightly so that he didn't hurt her.

Sakura stopped and then blinked a little before nodding her head "I like that Idea"
"That is good to hear...." Mihaela breathed in relief before she was fading into sleep once again, just letting the lull of the pain killers draw her under. It wasn't long before Mira was walking into the room and was commenting that they were going to both be alright. No serious damage had been done, thankfully the strikes had only cut up the flesh, and hadn't done damage to the spine or anything.

Gabriel was giving a chuckle before he spoke, "We can put him in a tank and cover it with a lid so that he cannot escape that way."
Yuki nodded his head "thank you and when are you going to give Drake a chance I know he adores you"

Sakura smiled and then shifted so she was curled in to his side before making a call. Gabriel would be able to see she was hurting but she was hiding the pain from Korbin
Mira looked towards him for a moment in time before she was giving a gentle smile, "All he has to do is ask." She was absently stroking Drake's hair considering the man was still out cold. But it wasn't long before her pager was going off and she was dismissing herself. As she left she was quickly stating a couple of orders as she rushed off down to the emergency room.
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