The Mafia's arranged Marriage (Lunar and Guardian)

Well this definitely had some of the doctors and nurses backing off a bit. Nope they would just allow the pair to stay there and sleep some more.
After a few more hours, Mihaela was awake and just stretching a bit. She was rubbing some of the sleep out of her eyes before hiding a yawn behind her hand.
Mihaela was running her fingers through her hair at that point in time, while looking at something on her phone. Nothing major, just a small bit of information about the sniper. She was however looking over towards Yuki before she was mumbling a soft good morning.
Mihaela was looking over before she was giving a small smile then commented, "Yes I slept well enough." She was standing up and just stretching a bit.
Mihaela looked towards him before she spoke, "You will go home, and get some more rest. There is something that I need to get done. If it makes you feel better, I will take a couple of your guys with me." But she wasn't going to allow him to go with her, yet at the same time she was compromising.
Mihaela looked at him before she spoke, "I promise that I'll be careful. And if you are so concerned, you can decide who goes with. As long as they don't get in my way, we shall be fine."
"take Drake he is the best I have and it would take three people to equal to him" Yuki wasn't above sending his lead guard with her at all
Mihaela was giving a nod of her head before she spoke, "I shall do that." She was giving him a soft kiss on the cheek before she spoke, "Three hours, if we aren't back in three hours, then you are allowed to worry." She was snagging his phone and putting her number into it then she was putting in another number for him. "If three hours has passed and neither of us answer, call this number, and ask the person to track my phone."
"i'll give you three hours like you want but if your going to be out longer then that and you know befor ethe three hours are up I want you to text me" Yuki then gently grabbed her head and pulled her down for a real kiss and not somethign on his cheek
Mihaela was giving a nod of her head before she spoke, "I shall do that." Although she was startled by the kiss on the lips but she did end up kissing him back.
Mihaela was giving a nod of her head before she spoke, "So shall I just tell Drake he is accompanying me, or do you want to tell him."
Mihaela was giving a nod of her head before she was handing him some clothes that one of the others had brought for him. After that she was heading out of the room so that he could change, and wasn't overly shocked to see that a couple of the guys were outside the room. "You know where Drake is?" she was inquiring.
"Thank you. Also Yuki is getting changed and will be out soon." Mihaela commented before she was heading off to find Drake.
Mihaela was raising a hand above her head as her way of saying that she had heard them, before she was seeking out Drake. Thankfully it didn't take overly long to find him and she was strolling up next to him. "So Yuki is awake and being dismissed. Surgery went fine. He is going to make sure that he is doing his physical therapy daily." she was commenting, knowing that the man would want to know how it was going. That and prior to her even going into the room to assist, she had told him she would keep him up to date. "Although.... Now.... I have a promise to keep with Sakura. But Yuki doesn't want me to be alone so we compromised and.... You are to accompany me. And I'm sure that it is a task that you will get enjoyment out of as well."
Drake looked at her lightly "and what promise does the young mistress have to keep that has her so happy" Drake had a feeling that all hell was fixing to break lose
Mihaela was looking over before she was cooing, "First off since it is just use, it is Mihaela. Or Mia if you would prefer not to use my actual name. And secondly... I promise Sakura that I would find the bastard that shot Yuki, and get rid of him."
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