The Mafia's arranged Marriage (Lunar and Guardian)

Yuki caught her and and placed it on his obi there she would be able to feel the guns he had and hoped she would know what to do with them because he was certain he would be out for some time soon
Mihaela had certainly felt the guns and currently had the obi around her waist, merely watching the men. There was a faint smirk on her lips before she was cooing something and she was drawing one of the guns, just aiming it at one of the men. Oh man was she amused with them actually laughing a bit stating that she didn't have the guts. "I have been told that time and time again but every time.... I prove them wrong." she spoke, her tone devoid of emotion before she pulled the trigger, hitting one of the men square in the forehead, not even bothered by the blood splattering her.
Mihaela had no fear or hesitation as she killed the men. Once they were dead she was turning on her heel and actually taking to ordering some of Yuki's men. They needed to get Yuki some medical attention as soon as possible, and the dead men needed to be removed. Go figure there was that one person that tried to argue with her, which had her merely pointing a gun at them. "This is not the time to fucking argue with me." she spoke in a dark tone.
while some of the men argued one didn't and walked over slapping them all rather hard "get on the move now" he then walked over and scooped Yuki up "my lady if you would please stick close to me"
"I may not be apart of the family, or even somebody you know but.... right now my concern is to get him help." Mihaela spoke although it wasn't long before she was snickering as somebody came up and slapped them all really hard. This had her following after the man after Yuki was picked up and he was telling her to stick close to him.
"Yuki wouldn't have kept you close if you weren't special that and he told me you two were wed I am the head of his protective detail so it was information i needed to know" the male then settled Yuki in the back of a large suv before hauling her up in next to him before going and getting behind the wheel
Mihaela was giving a nod of her head before she spoke, "That makes sense." She was climbing up into the SUV next to the man before she was just gazing out the window after putting on the seatbelt.
Mihaela was just leaning back in the seat before she was pulling out something that she had snagged. An emblem of sorts, which had her wondering which group it was from.
"we should be to the hospital soon miss and they will take good care of him" Drake soon pulled in to the hospital so they cold get him treated
Mihaela was looking towards Drake before she was commenting, "I wasn't overly concerned. But gunshot to the shoulder, means he is going to be out for a bit." She was fiddling with the emblem that she had found before she was commenting that the sniper was as good as dead.
Drake looked at her"he will be but this hospital only lets family in so they will have to know that your his wife if you wish to be near him"
Mihaela was just looking towards Drake for a moment before she was commenting, "I know absolutely nothing about him, anymore than he knows anything about me. We just met a few hours ago." Man it was so strange to be married...through a piece of paper anyways. A small sigh escaped her lips before she was just shaking her head a bit.
"they have his medical records here but some of the doctors don't really care so you may need to kick their asses to get them moving" Drake figured this would be a safe way for her to vent her frustrations
Mihaela raised an eyebrow before she spoke, "Doctors don't do their damn jobs, I'll fucking do it for them. That is all I can say to that." After all she did have medical training. She had gone to school for nursing, and was technically a registered nurse, just like her adopted mother.
"they are the reason Sakura nearly lost her life but as the hospital is ran by the gentleman we just left they can't be fired yet" Drake then helped her get Yuki out of the car and headed in
Mihaela just looked for a moment in time before she spoke, "As stated, if anything I will do their jobs for them. I didn't get medical training for no reason."
"good luck to you then" Drake walked in and set Yuki down on a stretcher and then moved out of the way so the few good doctors and nurses could tend to him
Mihaela was just looking towards Drake for a moment before she commented, "I shall if I need to. But those that are going with him... I can tell they do their jobs. They are good at their jobs." She was however glancing at her phone when she got a message from somebody, although she was freezing momentarily.
"Just information from somebody I had asked to do something for me. A confirmation that my biological parents are in fact alive." Mihaela spoke with a shrug. Not that she actually cared about that fact.
"well you are now part of this family if you wish to see them you can if not they will have no way to get to you" Drake ruffled her hair and then gave her a push when a nurse asked about family "she is his wife"
"They abandoned me when I was five. I grew up on the streets with a number of other orphans until I was sixteen, when I ran into Adrian, and was becoming his adopted daughter. I want nothing to do with them." Mihaela spoke before she was confirming that she was in fact Yuki's wife, and was even showing her the damn paper.
"thank you ma'am if you would please follow me I'll take you to your husband the doctor wishes to speak with you" the nurse then moved to show her to the room
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