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The Mafia's arranged Marriage (Lunar and Guardian)

Yuki walked with her to the car that had arrived to take them to the main manor and once they were settled her went in to more detail about what was going to happen
Mihaela merely listened to what he had to say before she was brushing a few strands of loose hair out of her face.
"do not let him antagonize you as he will try to do so" Yuki looked out the window after several moments and spotted the main house
Mihaela looked towards him before she was commenting, "Well then perhaps he needs to learn that he cannot speak to everybody who walks through those doors in a rude manner. Not all are tolerable of it."
"he knows he just doesn't care" Yuki then walked with her in to the building and to the meeting hall more then glad when he was the only one there
"If it gets too bad, I will be speaking up for myself. I will be showing him verbally that I am not somebody that takes being spoken to like that, lightly." Mihaela commented before she was gliding into the building after him.
Mihaela was just studying the man for a moment, then was studying everything that was around them. It wasn't long before she was taking a seat next to Yuki.
once they were both sitting the male listened as Yuki explained everything that had happened. and who might this lovely young lady be as I know she is not your sister"
Mihaela looked towards the man before she was bowing her head in greeting. She would take that as permission to speak. "I am Mihaela Balan, a pleasure to meet you." She spoke, that Romanian accent of hers evident. Balan, her family surname, and the name that she usually referred to herself as when she was unsure if one could fully be trusted. After all, that was the name that had been given to her by her parents, at least until they abandoned her. Now she didn't even know if her parents were alive, or anything. Not that she cared. But that surname held power as well, considering it had ties to Romanian royalty.
"hmmm if I am right and I usually am you were taken in my another family were you now one that resides in Italy and had close ties with Akitoki" the male smiled at this "what would have you here in Japan my dear"
Mihaela was bowing her head before she spoke, "Yes the Don of the Italian Mafia, Adrian, took me under his wing a number of years ago when he had been in Romania. As for why I am in Japan...." She was looking over towards Yuki, wondering if she should even say anything about the marriage that their parents wanted. Or if that was something that they should leave to Akitoki to explain.
Mihaela was giving a nod of her head before she was speaking, "Arranged marriage. Our fathers decided that they wanted to strengthen the bond between our families, so we have been arranged to marry."
Mihaela was getting to her feet and was following after the man when it was evident that that is what he was wanting them to do.
Yuki walked with her and when the male tapped a paper on his desk and handed them pen Yuki blinked and then looked at what he wanted to to sign
Mihaela was just walking over before she was tilting her head towards the piece of paper. What on earth was this all about?
"sign it I will explain after" the male had it covered so that they couldn't see that it was a marriage license but he had his reasons
Mihaela was just shaking her head before she spoke, "I would prefer to be told what it is that I am signing, before I sign anything."
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