The Mafia's arranged Marriage (Lunar and Guardian)

Mihaela just looked towards the man for a moment in time before she spoke, "I don't know how signing something, in which we have no idea what we are signing, protects us."
Mihaela just looked towards the man before she spoke, "Everything had better be explained. Any tricks and.... while I swore that I wouldn't start anything, that promise will be broken."
Mihaela was just giving a sigh before she was signing the sheet of paper, and was commenting that she hoped she wasn't signing herself into servitude or anything like that.
once it was signedand he had witnessed it Archibald took the form and scanned it in and once it was in the public system he handed it to them "con grats on getting married and taking my place"
Mihaela was just watching for a moment in time although when she heard what he had to say, and saw the paper she was just coughing a bit. Okay this so wasn't fair at all. Granted Yuki was good looking but she would have liked to been able to get to know him. Not a few hours after first meeting, and signing marriage papers.
"lets go to my private sitting room so I can better explain" Archibald was starting to look more like the old man he was then the strong man he portrayed
Mihaela was just giving a nod of her head. Yes she did want to listen to an explanation. Although honestly this wasn't quite how she had been suspecting to get married. She had been hoping for an actual ceremony.
Yuki walked with them on once they were in the room he closed the door and then watched as he sat down "sorry for this but I have no children of my own and in order to pass on the mantle it has to go to a married male or female and as Yuki is the only one besides his sister truly qualified I needed to act fast"
"I could have but that was the main audience chamber anyone can enter while this is my private room and all entrances are monitored 24/7" Archibald then sighed and went in to detail on what he had acted with our their consent as well
Archibald looked at them both "I have two years left I can spend one year training you both to take my place you marriage will be kept secret and during that time we can plan an actual wedding for you but once you have had it I will be handing the reigns over"
Mihaela was just shaking her head for a moment before she spoke, "Training us to take your place. What does that all entail?"
Yuki looked at her "he is the head of all the families my father and other head answer to him so when there is in fighting he settles it"
Yuki stood up and with her headed out after the male told them they were free to go as he wanted to get home and check on the men
Mihaela was following after Yuki, although after they were outside of the building, she found herself distracted by something in the distance.
There was a headshake from Mihaela before she was looking towards Yuki for a moment. "I'm not sure. I thought I saw the glint of something on top of that building over there."
Yuki reacted fist and hollered for everyone to get down and pulled her with just as a gunshot went off, while no one else was his Yuki took a bullet to his shoulder and went down hard when it hit
Mihaela was highly startled when she was being pulled down to the ground. She was looking around almost right away, before looking towards Yuki. She could instantly see that he was bleeding which had her tearing off part of the kimono to wrap around his shoulder for the time being. "Looks like a little birdie was hit." a voice spoke and she looked to see a couple of guys walking towards them, guns drawn and pointed at them. One of them was telling Mihaela that it was better off if she got the hell out of the way. She was tilting her head before rising to her feet before she spoke, "Two men with loaded weapons against a man who is downed due to a wound, seems unfair to me. So I'm going to have to politely, decline."
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