Unravel (1x1 w/ Jikkah)

“Ah, something I wish I could say the same.” She said with a soft smile. “I’m afraid I know little about you.”
“It’s hard to believe you’re unremarkable.” She said, then motioned for them to continue. “Shall we?” Jin asked.
Nana spent the majority of her days locked in one of the bedrooms at a large building the Aogiri used, held over Motochika’s head to keep him compliant. She had little to do other than sleep and try to listen for anyone outside the room, slowly feeling like she was being gripped by madness. She was only interacted with twice a day when she was fed, and three times a week she was allowed to bathe.
She rarely ever saw Motochika, and each time she did, his hair was whiter and whiter. It would be almost wholly white soon, how many years has been robbed from him? How much longer on this earth with her did he have?
The only minuscule positives were that Motochika- outside of being overworked -was provided with plenty of amenities and power. He was an executive that ruled over dozens of ghouls, someone that lower ranking ghouls cowered at the sight of.
Nana did her best to treat Motochika when he finally came home to her, trying to give him whatever comfort he needed; doing so with only one leg was hard. Being completely locked away all day was hard on her mental health, but she forced herself to keep it together for him.
Motochika was able to come home tonight, tired and emotionally drained. But seeing Nana made it worth it. Knowing she was safe where he could stay close made it worth it to him.
Nana would hold him as he lay collapsed in the bed they shared, petting his hair gently, tracing her fingers along his face gently to soothe him. The only time she had energy and could focus on something was when Motochika was there with her. “Have you eaten today..? Do you need to..?” She asked softly.
She nodded her head, running her fingers gently through his hair. “I’m sorry I’ve given you another thing to worry about.” Nana frowned. “I promise while I’m here, I won’t give you a reason to worry.. I’ll stay right here, I’ll always wait for you to come back first, and I won’t cause trouble..”
Nana kissed the top of his head, lingering for a moment to smell his hair. “I know.. thank you for thinking of me..”
Nana picked up his chin gently with her hand, kissing his forehead gently. “I love you too, Motochika..”
He cupped her cheek gently and held her tighter. He had missed her so much, sure he still saw her but it wasn't as much as he would have liked.
Nana closed her eyes and leaned into the kiss, placing her hands on his chest. She was so lonely, barely interacting with anyone all day, only getting to spend her nights with Motochika, it didn’t feel like enough.
Nana usually didn’t bother to leave the bed she was in unless she had to go to the bathroom, but even then she’d be stuck in the wheelchair after. The stump where her leg had been amputated was healing well, ghouls who had medical knowledge checking on it every so often when they’d stop by to ensure she was healthy- at least physically.
Today, it would not be a ghoul doctor to visit her. It was Ayato, who seemed indifferent being so close to her, but he carried something under his arm. A prosthetic.
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