Unravel (1x1 w/ Jikkah)

“Of course, Boss, anything you need from me, just say the word!” He said, bowing his head before scurrying off to let Kojurou go over the paper.
Just a number, huh? Well, it was worth a try, to see if Jin really was sent out there again. He moved to his room and shut the door, sitting and dialling Matsunaga's number and waiting for him to answer.
"Moshi moshi?" Kojurou still hated the sound of his voice.
"A-Ah, Matsunaga-sousakan, ohayo."
"Katakura-sousakan? How did you get this number?"
"I asked around. Is Kawabe-sousakan there with you?" The question made his heart rate pick up.
"Kawabe-sousakan? No, I'm afraid she isn't. I haven't seen her since she was sent home a hero. Why?"
"No reason. Some things didn't add up and I wanted to see if she was there in Russia."
"Well, I'm afraid you've wasted both our time, Katakura-sousakan. Good day." And with that, Matsunaga hung up.
It felt like cold water had been dumped over his head, she wasn’t in Russia on deployment? But that was what everyone he had talked to had said, that’s what every bit of information he found during his digging pointed to. This didn’t make any sense.
If Jin wasn’t in Russia, and wasn’t in Japan, where was she, and why did no one know or notice yet?
He pocketed his phone an headed to headquarters. Someone had to know something. He was going to get answers, and he was going to get them now.
He would search for hours, finding nothing out of the ordinary, only the typical paperwork that came with a transfer.
Something caught his eye though, one paper being labeled that it had been submitted from the R&D building- a small detail no one would have noticed unless looking for it specifically.
His brows furrowed as he looked it over. Why did Research and Development submit one of her transfer papers? He did more digging, and found that some of them were submitted from one department from another department. What was going on?
Something was clearly not right with her transfer- was it perhaps because it had happened so quickly, or was something else to blame?

Jin lay on the mattress on the floor, groggily trying to chew through the tubing woven through the chain that connected to her neck that gave her the sedatives. If she were able to even decrease the dosage of it she might be able to think more clearly to create a plan of escape.
Jin scowled at the sound of his voice, glancing over her shoulder at him, but not saying anything. She had been so close to severing the tube, but had been interrupted.
His voice was annoying as ever, but she could take comfort in knowing she could close her eyes and not have to look at him.
She heard him move and the chain around her neck loosened, but didn't come off, the IVs coming out of her neck and arms before he started to pull her.
She strained against the chain before she was forced to crawl forward, lest she let herself be choked by the collar around her neck. Why had he taken out the IVs? What was he planning?
He pulled her along, out of the dingy little examination room he kept her in and pulled her to another room with a bed. She knew right away that it was his bedroom.
She stumbled and fell the whole way, still affected by the drugs and restrained by the straight jacket. She looked to him in confusion as to why he had brought her out of the room- maybe this would be her chance to break free?
Jin was stunned, pinned beneath him and frozen in shock before she acted. She bit his lip hard, tasting blood as she tried to kick him away, the chains around her ankles keeping her from doing too much.
He grunted and pulled away, licking his own blood with a smirk before holding her jaw in an iron grasp, "Bad girl~" He cooed before kissing her again.
She kicked at him again, even though it hurt her ankle to do so, biting down again on his lip, only this time harder, biting clean through his lip.
He hissed and held her jaw harder, feeling her jae strain from the pressure, "That is quite enough. I'm not one for blood play, but you seem rather keen on it right now."
“Get off of me..!” She hissed in his face, his blood smeared on her lips, but she was still too weak to really fight him off.
"I will not." He stated firmly before he wrapped the chain tight around her wrists, pinning them above her head with one hand, "Now, behave, or I'll skewer you."
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