Just a number, huh? Well, it was worth a try, to see if Jin really was sent out there again. He moved to his room and shut the door, sitting and dialling Matsunaga's number and waiting for him to answer.
"Moshi moshi?" Kojurou still hated the sound of his voice.
"A-Ah, Matsunaga-sousakan, ohayo."
"Katakura-sousakan? How did you get this number?"
"I asked around. Is Kawabe-sousakan there with you?" The question made his heart rate pick up.
"Kawabe-sousakan? No, I'm afraid she isn't. I haven't seen her since she was sent home a hero. Why?"
"No reason. Some things didn't add up and I wanted to see if she was there in Russia."
"Well, I'm afraid you've wasted both our time, Katakura-sousakan. Good day." And with that, Matsunaga hung up.