Unravel (1x1 w/ Jikkah)

Jin didn’t like what he was implying, clenching her fist before knocking the Kagune away from her neck, falling back to grab for another one of the scalpels and syringes she had.
“Even ghouls have a weakness when it comes to human instruments.” Jin growled out as she wielded her new syringe. “Your skin may be hard, but your eyes are still soft.”
Jin didn’t care if he cut her up, she had fought ghouls unarmed before, this would be no different-accept it would be. She was drugged, and had no real plan, or back up. She charged Mitsuhide, quickly swapping the syringe in her hand for the scalpel- keeping the syringe hooked by her pinkie so it was still easy enough to use.
She went right for his eyes, trying to blind him first, the open door just behind him.
His bikaku shot out and cut into her wrist as it wrapped around it, blood dripping down the length of it steadily as he stopped her, "Good try~" He teased before tossing her back gently.
Jin stumbled back and almost fell, ignoring the wound he opened up on her wrist, making sure she didn’t lose her grip on her weapons. She knew this fight wouldn’t even be close to fair, she had no real weapon, and she was dizzy from the drugs, yet she had to try. She got back close to him, knowing he more than likely didn’t want to kill her, but he would be willing to wound her.
She jabbed at his eyes again, swinging her other arm to elbow him hard in the gut- even though she was missing her hand, her arm wasn’t useless.
His kagune blocked the scalpel and the syringe as she tried to go for his eyes, the metal bending and breaking from the sudden hard contact. "You're so cute when you struggle~"
Jin didn’t give up, grabbing him firmly and flipping him over her shoulder with as much strength as she could muster, throwing him away from the door, but making herself nearly fall to the ground in the process. Her body felt wrong, heavy and uncoordinated, but she still staggered toward the door, leaving a trail of blood from her wrist.
Jin hit the wall and crashed into the equipment lining the wall, crying out in pain as various tools and machines came down on top of her. She groaned softly as she tried to push it off of her, crawling out from under the mess and trying again to stumble toward the open door.
Jin was starting to feel woozy from blood loss, but she felt desperate. Desperate to not be held captive by a ghoul again, desperate to not be a plaything again. She let out a scream as she tackled him again, grabbing a handful of his hair and slamming his head into the door.
He seemed to let her, she could see his smirk as she bashed his head against the wood. But the only thing that seemed to happen was the wood splitting.
Jin didn’t let up, but her attacks grew weaker and weaker, not noticing that her vision was starting to blur. She slipped on her own blood, collapsing to the ground, stunned and unable to move. She felt weak, so incredibly weak and painfully cold, the blood loss finally catching up to her.
Even through her heavy and cold limbs she felt the pain of her bones breaking, eyes widening as a weak strangled cry came from her, only able to flinch in agony.
She felt like she was going to vomit, the pain emanating from her leg excruciating. Her head was slowly starting to spin, but she had to keep herself together, she had to keep going- she couldn’t stop here.
Out of what had to be sheer desperation, she started to struggle to get back to her knees, as if she was going to try and stand again.
Was he joking? She didn’t believe him for a second that he would actually let her leave, yet that desperate part of her pushed her on. She forced herself to stand, swaying as her leg threatened to give out, but by some miracle she kept herself on her feet. She limped slowly toward the door, staggering and almost falling several times during her slow journey forward, but she stayed on her feet. She felt tears burn in her eyes as she reached for the handle, feeling like she would lose consciousness at any moment, yet she continued forward.
Her bad ankle suddenly gave out on her, twisting under the weight of her and causing her to clammer to the floor.
"Aw," Mitsuhide mocked, "too bad."
Jin laid on the ground for a moment, as if she had accepted get defeat, then once more, she struggled to her hands and knees as if to try and leave again.
Jin’s fingertips brushed the door handle as he pulled her back, making her collapse to the ground again. “No..!” She ground her teeth, trying to shake his kagune free of her ankle. “No!”
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