Unravel (1x1 w/ Jikkah)

Jin stiffened at the feeling of a needle plunging into her neck, eyes widening as she registered what he was doing. She tried to elbow him with her free arm, hoping to knock the needle away.
Jin gnashed her teeth as she stared down Mitsuhide, panic momentarily flooding her veins. It didn’t take long for her to see double of him, her eyes growing heavy and a pleasant warm feeling to wash over her as the sedatives started to kick in. “What are you doing..?” She demanded, trying to fight the medicine.
“Would those plans happen to be me breaking your neck..?” It was starting to take some effort to focus on her words and speaking, and Mitsuhide could see in her eyes she was starting to really struggle.
She tried to fight him, but every time she moved her body, a new wave of weariness washed over her head. Jin struggled to keep her eyes open, mouth partially open as she watched him reshackle her arm without the prosthetic. She closed her eyes for just a moment, relief washing over her entire body as she did, painfully tired.
She stayed still for him, even as he placed each IV, only stirring slightly at louder sounds or more firm touches.
It was like she had been plunged into a warm blackness, no thoughts going through her head as she sunk through the inky blackness, a mild pleasure enveloping her whole body. It was like sleeping for the first time in years, like her body had never known rest before, and this was the first time tasting it.
Her eyes opened when he spoke, but she only stared blankly for a moment before her eyes closed again, slipping back into the pleasant feeling the drugs gave her.
Jin wasn’t sure how long she had been drifting in and out, only that it had been a few times that she had woken up only to fall back asleep. Of course he had used drugs, he must’ve known as well that he wouldn’t have been able to beat her bare handed.
Slimey bastard. What was he planning? Love her? Disgusting. She hadn't thought about him since she was made an investigator, but allegedly he hadn't let her go since.
Surely this game of house wouldn’t last long, she had just returned from overseas, due to start back in Japan. Surely they would notice if she was gone after a certain amount of time.
Surely it would be odd for their top investigator to go missing shortly after she had returned home? Surely, they would wonder what happened to her?
Jin knew that Mitsuhide was meticulous and careful in most things that he did, so it would be a bit hard for her to catch him off guard, but he would only be able to keep the charade up for so long. She could endure it. She would wait and watch for any moment that he slipped up, then she’d kill him and escape.
It didn't seem like anyone was coming or asking about her. Mitsuhide kept her under light sedation, just to keep her from kicking around and fighting too much. It was gross, feeling his hands on her in such a state, petting her affectionately.
Jin wasn’t aware of how much time was passing, only stirring when Mitsuhide roused her from sleep. She would jerk away from him when he pet her hair, would try to bite his hand when he caressed her face, but for the most part, she was tuck where she was. Feeding was a struggle, and bathing wasn’t something Jin let him do without fighting him the entire time, and she didn’t like to think about how he handled her bathroom needs- the entire ordeal was unpleasant, but so far he hadn’t hurt her- not counting when he first captured her.
Jin struggled with him as usual as he tried to feed her, but it only made a mess of herself, and he was still able to feed her some food. “I’m having my mentally unwell co-worker force-feed me, I wouldn’t say this is good.”
“Going hungry isn’t the worst thing I’ve endured.” She sneered, willing him closer so she could hit him.
She scowled, keeping her mouth shut tightly as she turned her head away, refusing the food her offered her.
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