Unravel (1x1 w/ Jikkah)

Jin didn’t bother trying to be quiet, too drunk to care- she was just enjoying herself. She dragged her nails down his back, rocking her hips with his as she let out soft noises of enjoyment.
Jin left love bites along his neck and shoulders, gasping and moaning softly as he moved more roughly, digging her nails into his back again.
Jin either didn’t notice or didn’t care, showing her enjoyment by being vocal, and leaving marks on Kojurou’s back and shoulders with her teeth and nails.
She would oblige him, dragging her nails down his back, biting into his shoulder with a groan. Jin’s toes curled and she felt her inner walls trembling, sweat dripping down her forehead.
Jin was gasping against his skin as she bit and sucked his neck and shoulder. She grabbed at his rear, digging her nails into his skin as she pressed him into herself more firmly, as if desperate to get more of him. “Right there..” She whispered with a gasp. “Just like that..”
It didn’t take long for Jin to reach her climax, dragging her nails down Kojurou’s back again, holding him close as she rode out her orgasm.
Jin was breathing hard, kissing Kojurou’s neck gently, reaching up to caress his face gently, then pulling him into a kiss.
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She returned his words of affection with words of her own, murmuring a soft “I love you.” back as she kissed him again.
The morning wasn’t all that awkward, but strange for Jin. She had never been with someone in such an intimate manner before, not like with Kojurou. She enjoyed it, wished for it to continue, but for the time being she needed to get her prosthetic fitted and get to returning to work.
Jin didn’t seem to be afflicted at all from the previous night of drinking, nodding with a smile. “Of course, and I’ll have to find some actual sake this time.”
He chuckled, "Only if you want to." He said, before finishing his coffee and standing, "I better go. Who knows what hell Masamune is raising." He said amusedly.
“Of course, I’ll clean up, thank you again for dinner.” She stood up as well so she could escort him out. “And I wouldn’t mind if something last night became more of a regular occurrence.”
She returned the gentle kiss, and after seeing him out and saying her goodbyes, she cleaned up and got ready to get her new prosthetic.
It didn’t take long to get to the office and get the false limb attached, and though it was a bit strange, she was glad to have a second hand again.
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