Unravel (1x1 w/ Jikkah)

Once the fish was done and the rice finished, he plated hers furst before sitting across from her, "I hope you like it, it's been a while since I've cooked for anyone besides myself."
Jin’s cheeks were already lightly flushed, shaking her head. “I haven’t had someone cook me something in years, I look forward to it.” She said, bowing her head over her food.
Jin liked the idea of Kojurou cooking for her, the domestic scenery quite appealing. She took a bite of the fish and made a soft noise of enjoyment. “If you cook this well, I won’t say no.”
He blushed and smiled, "Then expect more simple meals." He said. This was nice, and the vodka was definitely helping him be less bashful around her.
Eating dinner with someone was a nice change of pace, usually eating alone, she was enjoying Kojurou’s company, and was having fun drinking with him too. She had never opened herself up to someone like this before, was she growing soft? Perhaps Kojurou was special; she couldn’t pinpoint why, but she wanted to enjoy more of this, a simple life sharing meals with someone that she enjoyed.
They finished their meal and half the bottle of vodka by the time Kojurou felt the room spinning. He made a noise and rested his head in his hand, "Perhaps I should go sit down.."
Jin hadn’t expected to drink so much either, finding it a bit hard to concentrate on things in the room. “Would you like to lay down?” She offered. “You may use the bedroom if you’d like?” She felt a warmth over her whole body, a pleasant feeling she always got from being drunk.
Jin stood with a small wobble, shaking her head. “Not at all- plus, I can’t let you drive home like this.” She motioned for him to follow. “Please rest until you’re sober, I can sleep on the couch.”
“And I couldn’t be a good host and let my guest sleep on the couch.” She argued back. “It’s fine really, it’s only for one night.” She opened her bedroom door and turned on the light.
Jin opened her mouth to protest, but a fit of unsteadiness came over her and she found herself sitting back on the bed, lucky that she hadn’t just fallen on her ass in front of Kojurou- drunk or not. She stared for a moment before laughing. “It seems maybe the bed is the easiest option for me right now.”
“It was really more my legs idea than anything, but since I’m already sitting-“ Jin let herself fall back onto the bed, closing her eyes and enjoying the rocking feeling that came with being drunk. “I don’t mind staying a bit- at least until you fall asleep and I love to the couch.” She said with a cheeky smirk.
Jin opened her eyes when she felt him move over her, looking up at him. “And what kind of plans would that be?” She asked softly.
Jin didn’t shove him away, didn’t fight him- in fact, she kissed back. She let her own eyes close as she leaned up a bit, putting her hand over his.
She rubbed his hand with her thumb, enjoying the fluttering feeling the kiss brought into her chest, holding his kiss.
She enjoyed the slow kissing, the tender moment of him caressing her face as he kissed her tenderly yet passionately. It was something she had rarely gotten in her life- a tender moment.
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