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Work is hard ((Candira and Puppyslave))

"Alright. I'll just be on the sofa, reading," she said with a smile. Then she left him to it, arranging herself on the sofa.

V closed her eyes and moaned softly as she came and let his cum land on her.
He looked at her and chuckled"Just in case, you know where the fire extinguisher is right?"he joked as he went into the kitchen and started cooking.

Jake stroked his cock until he finished cumming, the last of it landing on her face. He smiled"Wanna suck out the last of it?"He asked, putting the head on her lips.
April laughed and nodded, "Yeah, I know." She sat on the couch and started to read a novel, comfortably settled on the couch.

Veronica let the last of his cum fall onto her face and then eagerly licked him off and sucked down the rest of his seed, loving the taste of him.
Matt was soon done making biscuits and gravy. He set it out on the table"April, foods done"

Jake moaned as he felt her lick and suck him dry, his member hardening again"Ooh baby, this feels so good"
She set her book down and smiled, coming over to see him. "Mmm, smells good." She smiled and came to his side, pressing against him and looking over his shoulder. "Looks good too."

V smiled and finished up before standing again. "Mmm, I think maybe I should really clean up," she said with a little chuckle. But I'm glad you enjoyed it too."
Matt chuckled when she said that"Thanks"he said and sat down with her"Tell me if it tastes good too"he teased and started eating.

Jake grinned and kissed her lips"I'm glad you enjoyed it too"He said and tarted wiping himself down with soap.
April dug in, enjoying the meal. She grinned and told him so. "Simply delicious, baby." She leaned into him a little and kissed his cheek before going back to her plate.

Veronica smiled and rinsed herself off, washing away their recent playing.
He smiled at her as they ate. He grinned at the complement and smiled"Thanks"He said and soon finished.

He rinsed himself off and then got out, drying off.
Veronica got out soon after and dried off, wringing out her hair and getting ready to make herself pretty again.

April smiled and finished off her food before taking the dishes and running to do them before he could.
Jake smiled at her and after getting fully dried off, combed his hair

Matt watched her run to do the dishes and chuckled"Thanks"
April smiled and finished the dishes up before coming back to him, and sitting in his lap. "You're very welcome."

Veronica smiled and combed out her hair as well, starting to dry it. When she was finished, she walked into her room and dressed for the day before coming back to her bathroom to dust on some make up.
Matt pulled her against his body and smiled"I love you"

Jake headed out to the room and pulled on is clothes for work that day and then went to the kitchen to whip up a quick breakfast.
April smiled and kissed him softly. "I love you too, baby."

Veronica was dressed and pretty a few minutes later, coming out to the kitchen as well. "Well, I see you beat me to it. Need me to help with anything?"
Matt smiled at her and kissed her back, holding her as close as he could.

Jake smiled at her as he finished making the bacon and eggs"You could pull out anything you want to use on the food"He said, setting the food out for them.
April smiled and happily closed the distance between them so that there was as little space between them as she could handle. "Mmm, mine," she said, snuggling.

She was a woman of simple taste, so she grabbed some jelly from her fridge for the toast he'd made and some juice for the both of them. "Well, I guess I'll just have to beat you to it next time," V said with a grin.
Matt smiled at April and rubbed her back"Yes, I'm all yours"He said and kissed her neck a little.

Jake finished setting out the food and then sat down as she got the drinks and jelly"Hehe, if you do then you can make breakfast"
April shivered at the little kiss, her hands rubbing his shoulders a bit as she sat in his lap. "Mmm, good. I'm not sure how gracefully I would handle it if I wasn't," she said with a little smirk. She smiled and stayed close to him, glad to be his too.

V smiled. "I guess I will. Maybe I'll have it all ready for the next day," she said, chuckling. She took some of the eggs and smiled. Just the way she liked it. "Good job, boss."
Matt smiled as he held April against his body, lips on her neck. He then moved them to her lips"I'm yours and you're mine"He said caringly. He blushed slightly as he noticed his member growing hard under her ass.

Jake chuckled at her idea to beat him to cooking breakfast"You don't have to go that far"He pointed out and then smiled"You're welcome V"He said and got his own breakfast and drink, eating happily
She blushed a little too, grinning as she felt him harden. She shivered as she kissed him back and smiled at him. "All yours, baby."

Veronica laughed a little and smiled as they ate together. It was nice to have someone in her life like this again. Hopefully, this was just the beginning for the two of them.
Matt rubbed her back slowly and smiled at her"Mhm"He said and kissed her"What would you like to do?"

Jake smiled as he ate with her, happy not to be alone any more. He hoped that they could be together for a long time.
"Hmmm....dirty movie night?" She suggested, smirking a little. "We could find the silliest looking porn we can and just watch it to make fun of it. And if we see anything new that we want to try..." She grinned and nipped at his nose.
Matt chuckled ta her idea and nodded"Sure, though, while we watch, you want to sit in my lap?"He asked, standing up while holding her in his arms
She kissed him and nodded. "Of course, hun. Who doesn't want to sit in your lap?" she teased, kissing his neck.
Matt smiled at her and kissed her before going into the living room"Hmmm, here's a silly one"He said, the movie call Who's nailin' Palin.
April laughed and followed after him, walking into the living room with him, sitting down on the sofa. "Fair enough. Oh, there's one called 'Rod Steel: You Only Live Till You Die.' It's hilarious. A spoof on James Bond movies."
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