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Work is hard ((Candira and Puppyslave))

The next morning, when April woke up, she opened her eyes to see her fiance's face. Smiling softly, she closed her eyes again and snuggled closer to him, loving the way it felt to be with him.

Veronica slept soundly through the night, hardly moving a bit. When she woke up, he was still there. After everything was said and done, Jake was still here with her. Now the question hung in the air: Would he be able to continue staying with her? She hoped so.
Matt yawned as he slowly woke up, stretching. His eyes opened and he smiled at her"Morning April"He said and wrapped his arms around her.

Jake slept through the night and woke up shortly after her. He sat up and smiled at her"Hey"he said and kissed her cheek.
She smiled and looked up at him, kissing his lips softly. "Good morning Matt."

Veronica watched him, grinning like the Cheshire cat. "Good morning, indeed. Mmm, any chance you know what you want for breakfast?" she asked with a little yawn. She stretched and rubbed her eyes.
Matt pulled her down on top of him and hugged her close.

Jake chuckled at how cute she looked like that and kissed her"Well, I feel like I want some pancakes and sausages."He said, smiling
April smiled at him and kissed his lips softly. She held onto him. "Mmm, ready to go home?"

Veronica smiled and kissed him back. "Mmm, I think I can handle that. But first, I think, a shower."
He returned the kiss and grinned"Yeah but I rather like it here"He said with a chuckle.

Matt nodded and hugged her"Sounds good to me"He said and got up, helping her up
April laughed and snuggled to him a little bit. "Well, we can take our time." Matt was so cute when he woke up. It was difficult to want to go anywhere with him holding her like that.

V stretched one more time as Jack helped her up and then smiled at him, remembering for a moment how they had reached this point. "I won't be long. You're welcome to take one too," she said, obviously referring to the shower. Then, the sexy secretary vanished into her bathroom started running the water as she got her towels ready.
Matt kissed her cheek and smiled at her sweetly as they laid there"Okay, I guess we can get up and dressed"

Jake smiled over at her and nodded"Okay. I'll go make us breakfast while you're working"
She smiled and stretched a bit before sitting up. "One step at a time," she teased.

Veronica shook her head. "No, I promised I'd make it," she said, poking her head out from the bathroom. "If you want to be useful, you come take a shower with me."
He said up with her, stretching himself out and then smiled at her.

Jake turned and grinned at that"Hehe, gladly"He said and went in to the bathroom with her and took off what little clothes he had put on and smiled at her
She smiled and kissed him softly before slowly getting out of bed. April let the sheet fall away like a veil over a statue and then walked into the bathroom to style her hair.

Veronica smiled and got towels for him before leading him into her rather large shower. She paid a good amount of money for this place, but it was well worth it for such a nice, big bathroom. Once the water was perfect, she stepped under the spray of the shower, rinsing herself before she pulled him under too, kissing his lips softly.
Matt licked his lips as he watched his fiancee walk away into the bathroom. He got up and went after her quickly, smiling at her as he rubbed her back.

Jake grinned at the size of the bathroom and shower and kissed her back when they were both in the shower, under the spray"Mmmm, nice"He said and rubbed her sides.
April grinned as Matt appeared behind her, rubbing her back. "Thank you, Matt." As he rubbed, she continued to brush her sex hair with a small brush she kept in her purse. When all of the knots were out, she turned to look at him with a smile.

She smiled and rubbed his shoulders. "I like it," V teased, slowly turning them so that he got more spray and they were both wet. "Did you sleep well?"
Matt rubbed her back until she finished and then hugged her close, kissing her"You want to get dressed now?"

Jake smiled at her and let her rub his back"Mmm. I slept great. How about you?"He asked, looked back at her
She smiled and kissed him back. "I do. Why don't you help me? And I'll help you."

Veronica grinned as she thought once again about last night. "I did. You wore me out," she said, slowly reaching over to the side so she could soap up.
He smiled at that and nodded"Sure"He said and went with her to the clothes.

He smirked and snatched the soap from her, rubbing the soap on her sides, smiling
Once they reached their clothes she picked up his shirt, turned around and pressed into his body, wrapping his shirt around his shoulders with a sly grin. "I love you, Matthew."

She laughed as he took the soap away from her, blushing softly, and giggling as he soaped up her sides.
He kissed her lips"I love you too, April"He said and held her close before letting her dress him.

Jake finished her sides and moved behind her. He rubbed the soap up and down her back and then her legs.
April buttoned up his shirt, leaving enough open to make her want to take it off again. She smiled and knelt down, holding his pants open for him. She kissed his lips softly as she pulled them up and then redid them, a little more difficult than undoing them.

V shivered and let him soap her up, enjoying the way he touched her.
He smiled and helped her button up his pants and returned the kiss"I love you"He said and held her hand"Lets go check out"He said and took her out of the room and down to the check out.

He smiled when he finished rubbing the soap on her back and legs and then rubbed her ass with the soap.
April stayed close to him as they headed down to the lobby, happily kissing and hugging him whenever she got the chance. Once they were checked out, she got into her car with him and asked, "Do you want to go anywhere before home?"

V moaned softly and turned a little. "I think you just like touching my ass," she teased.
Matt went down with her and got in the car with her"How about we hit the grocery store and get ourselves stocked up on food

Jake smiled and kissed her cheek"That is true"He said and smiled
April laughed and nodded. "Alright. Got a list in mind? Or are we impulse shopping for food?"

V slowly turned to face him and pulled him a little closer to her, taking the soap from him. "Is that all you want?" she asked, tilting her head to the side.
Matt thought a moment"I don't have a list but it's not entirely impulse shopping"He said with a chuckle and smiled at her.

Jake let her have the shop and kissed her neck lightly"Nope. I want all of you"He replied
April laughed and pulled into a nearby grocery store. "Alright then. Let's go get food," she said with a little smile.

V was taken off guard at his kissing and his words. She closed her eyes for a moment and then put her arms around him, slowly soaping up his back.
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