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Work is hard ((Candira and Puppyslave))

Matt smiled at her and got out with her. He took her hand and walked with her to the entrance, letting go to grab and push a cart.

Jake held the kiss as he felt her soaping up his back. He pushed his tongue against her lips a little, hands grabbing her rear gently
April smiled and walked along with him. "So what did you want to buy?" she asked.

V moaned softly into his kiss as he grabbed her ass. She hugged him close and ran her soapy hands up and down his sides.
Matt thought for a moment"Milk, eggs, bread, and butter definitely. Any thing you'd like to get?"He asked as they went through the aisles, him putting the stuff he listed into the cart.

He kissed her more, squeezing her ass lightly and letting out a soft purr as she rubbed his sides.
April smiled at Matt and kissed his cheek. "Hmmm...well I'm gonna pick up some salad and steaks for dinner. Why don't you pick something to go with?" She winked and then she was off for the produce section and the deli.

Surprised by the sound, but not deterred, V grinning and nipped at his lip while she ran her hands over his sides and then back over his chest, enjoying the feel of his body beneath her fingers. Surely, this was a dream.
Matt smiled at her and nodded"Okay"He said and watched her go. He grabbed some other stuff, including whipped cream, sodas, champagne, and some healthy snacks.

Jake moaned lightly as she nipped his lip and rubbed his side"Mm, that feels good"He said and rubbed her ass lightly
April smiled and came back with the steaks, a good salad mix, and some fruit. She put them in the cart and kissed his cheek. "Hmmm, need anything else?" she asked, looking over the contents of the cart.

Veronica grinned devilishly as she slowly, almost unnoticably pushed him against the wall and kissed him again and ran her hands up and down his sides. She sucked at his bottom lip and leaned against him, her body pressed against his.
Matt smiled at her and looked at the cart"Nope, I think we're good"He said and went to the checkout line with her. While they waited, he put a bar of chocolate with the stuff and then paid the cashier after she rung up the stuff. Soon they were headed back to the car with the bags.

Jake barely noticed his back against the wall. He moaned as she sucked on his lip and caressed his sides. He ran his hands up and down her sides and smiled at her
April carried her share of bags to the car and put them in the trunk before getting back into the driver's seat. "Mmm, okay. So now we go home?" she asked.

V grinned and kissed him deeply, her tongue pressing into his mouth as she ran her hands up and down his chest, her hand slowly making its way down to his cock.
Matt put his bags into the car and got in. He nodded at her question and smiled"Yep, we go home now"He agreed and buckled up.

Jake opened his lips for her tongue, eyes closing as his tongue rubbed against hers and his hands made their way up to her chest.
April smiled and took them home, helping to carry the bags up and put everything in the proper place. It was nice to be home after such a long night away from it.

She kissed him deeply, passionately, her tongue wrestling with his. Her body pressed into his hands and she moaned softly as he touched her, enjoying the feel of him.
Matt smiled as they got home and put everything away. He looked at her and hugged her gently"Hm, you want to relax in front of a movie tonight?"

Jake moaned into the kiss and let his tongue wrestle with hers while his hands lightly squeezed her breasts.
She ran her hands up and down his sides before finally coming down to his member. She continued to kiss him, presing him against the wall as he squeezed her breasts.
Jake moaned softly as her hands got to his member. He rubbed her nipples a little and broke the kiss slowly"Mmm, you going to jerk me off, beautiful?"

Matt pulled her onto the couch with him and kissed her"Flip a coin for making dinner?"
((Shit, I forgot to reply for April..))

April laughed and nodded. "Sure, a movie sounds good." And then he pulled her down and kissed him. "Mmm, flipping a coin sounds like a good idea."

V moaned softly as he rubbed her nipples and then pulled away as she felt him break the kiss. "Hmmm, do you want me to jerk you off? Or would you rather be inside me?"
(It's okay)

Matt smiled at her"Heads I make dinner, tails you make it"He said and flipped it up into the air, watching it.

Jake tweaked her nipples a little and smiled at her"I want in you"He said, grinning.
April nodded and watched the coin as well, wondering which side it would land on.

Jake was slowly driving her up the wall. "Mmmm, fuck me," she moaned. "I want you, and I want it rough."
He caught it and slapped it onto the back of his head. When he revealed it, it was heads"I guess I'll cook"

Jake smiled at his words and pushed her against the walls"Gladly"He said and put his hands under her thighs, lifting her up while spreading her legs, cock head rubbing at her entrance teasingly.
April smiled and kissed his cheek, snuggled up in his lap. "Well, you just let me know if you need any help," she said, kissing his cheek. "I think I want to change though. I'm a little fancy for just at home," she said with a chuckle.

V was immediately excited by the way he pushed her against the wall. She shivered a bit as he lifted her and spread her open, his cock pressing against her entrance. "Oh!" She looked into his eyes and felt herself starting to ache from need. "Mmm...teasing isn't nice," she said.
Matt chuckled at that and nodded"I am too"He said and stood up with her"Lets go get changed"He said, taking her hand and walking with her to their bedroom.

Jake kissed her and smirked"But it is fun"He said and pushed into her slowly, moaning softly"Mmm, so good"He said and started sucking on her neck lightly.
April nodded and held his hand as he led her to their room. Once they got there she smiled and kissed his cheek. "Would you help me unzip?" she asked, moving her hair aside and turning her back to him.

V moaned loudly as he entered her and sucked her neck. "Mmm, Jake!"
Matt smiled and nodded"Of course"He said and started unzipping her dress.

Jake smiled at her and grabbed her ass as he started thrusting in and out of her, going hard and fast
"Thank you, Matt." She smiled and turned to kiss his cheek when he was done, and then slipped out of the dress and everything else she was wearing. She put on fresh panties and a clean bra and put everything else in her hamper before pulling on a pair of yoga pants and a nice shirt. "Ah, comfort."

V moaned and held him closer with her legs, her body eating up the pleasure as though it had been starved for it. And quite frankly, it had been awhile. She closed her eyes and arched her back, calling his name as they fucked.
"You're welcome"He said and undressed, watching her. When Matt had finished changing into sweats and a teeshirt, he kissed her cheek

Jake bent his head down and lightly bit one of her nipples. He continued slamming his cock in and out of her, his orgasm nearing"Where do you want me to cum?"
She smiled and kissed his chin and smiled at him, putting her arms around him. "Mmm, tell me if you need my help, okay?" She smiled and took his hand, practically skipping out to the kitchen with him.

V moaned louder as he bit her nipple, her body arching against the wall. "Oh, God...C-cum on me," she said softly not wanting to risk it just yet.
Matt smiled at her"I think I can handle it"He said and smiled at her.

Jake grinned and pulled out, set her down on her knees. He grabbed his shaft and started stroking himself and then came, shooting the cum onto her chest
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