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Work is hard ((Candira and Puppyslave))

He moaned lightly at the nipping"Mmmm, yes, I can handle it"He said and moaned as she kissed and sucked on his neck, having the same weakspot as his son"Ohhh, ride me love"
She smiled and nipped there again as she raised her hips and slowly sank down onto his cock. "Mmmm, with pleasure," she moaned.
She closed her eyes and moaned a little louder. V moved her hips up and down his length, enjoying the feel of him beneath her. "Mmm, that feels great," she said, looking down at him.
He moaned as she went up and down"That does feel great"He agreed and let one hand rub up and down her back, other hand squeezing her ass.
She smiled and moaned softly as she slid up and down his body. "Mmmm, I love it. Tell me how it feels," she said, moving her hips a little faster and a little harder.
Feeding off of his praise, she moved faster and harder, kissing his neck again, having noticed that he liked it so much. "Mmm, it is," she groaned.
She nodded and worked herself just a little more before pulling herself off of him and replacing her hot, tight cunt with her warm hand, doing the same for herself. "Mmm, If you have another condom," she said softly, "now might be the time to consider getting it," she groaned, her body so close to release.
Jake panted and frowned at the removal"Let go of our privates and so we can cum together"He said as he quickly pulled out another condom and after a little fumbling he put it on.
V nodded and let go of him. Once the condom was back on, however, so was she. She was all for fun and all, but safety was very important too. Now that it was safe again, she went back to moving her hips and pleasing the both of them as she went up and down his length.
Jake moaned softly and then groaned as she rode him again"Mmm, that's so good"He said and then moaned loudly"Here I cum"He said as he started cumming
She moaned softly and came with him as he started to fill her up. Her body filled with pleasure until she simply had to let it out, so she arched her back and called his name, shivering as she climaxed.
He panted as he watched her orgasm. He pulled her down into a deep passionate kiss before pulling out and laying her on her back. He quickly threw out the condom and wiped himself up before laying with her
She smiled and kissed him back, putting her passion into the kiss as well, stunned as she was rolled back onto her back. she watched him toss away the condom and smiled as he wiped and wrapped himself up, pulling him closer as he snuggled up to her. "Mmm, fantastic."
She smiled and closed her eyes, letting him hold her close as she snuggled with him.
"I love you too," she said softly, smiling as she slowly drifted off to sleep. She dreamt of their date tonight and the fun she'd had.
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