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Work is hard ((Candira and Puppyslave))

Jake chuckled at that and kissed her lips softly"Mmm, I can feel how wet you are"

Matt stroked her hair and then tied the guy up with the wanna be rapists own clothes before using one of the coms to call security
Veronica felt a million butterflies in her stomach as he whispered that one naughty sentence. "Mmm, please don't make me wait. Take me, Jake."

April let him console her for a few moments and then slowly stood up. If she wasn't still so shaken up by what could have happened, she would have been sorely tempted to take a well-aimed kick to the tied man's crotch. Instead, she hung onto Matt's arm while he used the com and stayed very close to him.
He smiled at her sentence and laid her on her back and pulled the rest of her clothes off, smiling at her"Gladly"He said and got himself undressed. He had a large cock like his son and it was hard as a rock.

Matt rubbed her sides as security came and took her statement for the cops and they were comped for their stay at the hotel. He led her back to their room, holding her protectively
Veronica blushed as she was stripped down to nothing and then lain back on her bed. She hadn't been prepared for his size, but she was pleasantly surprised by it. Before she let her thoughts get away with her, however, she asked, "Got a condom?"

April stayed with Matt and curled around him, snuggling into his chest as the door closed behind them. "Have I told you how much I love you today?"
Jake smiled at her body and then nodded"Mhm"He said and pulled out a magnum condom, slipping it onto his cock"Would you like on top?"

Matt held her gently and kissed her gently"Yes, but I enjoy hearing it"
Veronica smiled as he asked her and then shook her head. "Not just yet, Jake." She'd always fantasized about him coming to her and starting them off. She would definitely want to be on top later.

April kissed his lips softly, holding him closer. "I love you so much, Matthew. You saved me from that creep, you never take me for granted, you always think of me, and you're willing to spend the rest of your life with me. I love you so much my heart might explode with it."
Jake smiled at her and got on top of her, kissing her gently and rubbing his member against her slit.

Matt held her and smiled at her happily"I love you too April"He said"Lets get a shower and then get some rest"
V moaned softly, kissing him back, her hands slowly exploring his back.

April cuddled into his chest and kissed it gently as he suggested a shower and then rest. "Mmm, that sounds good," she said. I nice warm shower followed by a cool bed sounds just right," she said with a smile.
Jake shivered a little and pushed into her carefully, trying to be gentle.

Matt kissed her forehead and picked her up gentle, carrying her to the bathroom. He set her near the counter and turned on the shower, letting it warm up"Want me to undress you?"
V moaned softly as he started to enter her. He was tantalizing...and gentle. It made her want him even more. Jake had turned to be out every bit as good as her fantasies--even better, because she truly hadn't expected it.

April smiled and put her arms around him while he carried her. Once she was on her feet again, she watched Matt start getting things ready for them. She kissed his lips softly after he asked her if she wanted him to undress her. "Okay, you can do that," she said.
Jake smiled at her moaned and then gave one gentle thrust to get his head in and then pushed in more, moaning softly"It feels so warm and tight"He whispered softly in her ear.

Matt kissed her back and slowly undressed her and the took her hand, going into the shower with her.
V moaned softly. "Oh, feel so good..." She shivered, hardly believing that just a few days ago she'd been nothing more than his secretary/assistant, and this. And it was really happening.

April smiled softly as she watched Matt undress her--a fairly quick task considering that she was only wearing his shirt and her panties. Once she was out of them, April held his hand and stepped into the warm water of the shower with him. She closed her eyes for a moment and then hugged him closer. "I'm so glad you want to marry me," she said, opening her eyes to look back up at him. "Because now, no matter who I think of, I know they can't be as good for me as you are. I can't entertain the thought of ever being with someone else." She smiled and then guided them both into the water and began to lovingly wash his body.
Jake slide himself in until he had sunk it in all the way and smiled at her"Thanks"He said, moaning softly. He slid himself in and out of her, hands massaging her breasts lightly.

Matt smiled happily as he listened to her and hugged her"I love you April"He said and kissed her kissed, washing herr lovingly as she washed him.
V moaned softly, arching her back a bit now and then, her body getting used to him as he began to move in her. His hands on her breasts drew louder moans from her and she closed her eyes for a moment, just shivering and loving the way he felt inside of her.

April smiled and kept washing him until he was clean and then kissed his lips softly before turning him to face the water.
Jake went in and out of her harder and faster, strong hands rubbing and squeezing her breasts gently. His member throbbed inside of her as it went in and out of her body. He had never thought he would be doing this with her and it was amazing.

Matt had just finished washing her when she tuned him to the water"Hmm, gonna wash my back now honey?"He asked.
She moaned a little louder and shivered as he started to get a bit more rough with her. Jake had quite a talent. It was almost a shame that he wasn't a ladies' man anymore. Almost. Right now, Veronica was entirely happy with being all the lady he needed.

Laughing as she picked up his soap again, she kissed the back of his neck and said, "Only if you'll wash mine." And then she got to work, slowly washing his back with the same kind of care she'd shown his front.
Jake smiled down at her and kept going at his current pace, adjusting his thrusts to hit and rub her gspot and clit.

Matt shivered as her felt her rubbing his back"Mmm, I'll wash your back"He said and shut his eyes, enjoying her rubbing his back
V blushed a little as he watched her, his thrusts only dragging more pleasure from her. The man knew how to please. Maybe that was why he was....and then her mind went blank. He hit her g-spot and she had to stop herself from climaxing then and there. It was too soon, but it felt so good.

April smiled and finished cleaning him. "If you're nice, I'll give you a better back rub later," she said, stepping away so he had room to turn around.
Jake smiled as he saw her reaction and did it more"Relax and orgasm. I'm still gonna be hard"He said, and went faster. He enjoyed giving the pleasure. It made him feel good and it kept him going.

Matt smiled and turned around, rubbed her back with the soap"I can't wait"He said, gently scrubbing her back. When he finished, he rinsed her off and hugged her gently"I love you"
V shivered and felt her heart race as he did it again. She moaned louder and shivered as he kept doing it. Her body arched and twisted beneath him. "Oh God...I'm cumming!" She groaned, her body giving in to the pleasure.

April smiled and hugged him back, glad to be his fiance. "I love you, too," she said softly, pulling away to look up into his eyes. Come on, let's go to bed."
Jake kissed her as he felt her orgasm starting and slowed down so he would last longer for her.

Matt smiled at her and shut off the water. He got out and wrapped her in a towel and proceeded to dry his lovely fiancee off with it
V moaned and gasped, her body going crazy. "Ohh, you have no idea how good that felt," she said, her eyes closing as she rode out her orgasm.

April smiled and let him dry her off, wrapping her towel around her when he was finished. She took another towel and dried him off, taking the time to make sure that he felt loved.
Jake smiled down at her as she enjoyed her orgasm"I can guess"He joked and started speeding up his thrusts again.

Matt let her dry him off, enjoying the feeling and wrapped the towel around his body and went to the bedroom.
V took a moment to chuckle, shaking her head at him before he went back to thrusting and sent her back to pleasure land. She kept him close to her, her body brushing against his as he continued. She could feel everything as it happened, and if felt wonderful.

April finished drying her hair and combed it out before she joined him, smelling fresh and clean. She pulled down the covers and removed her towel before sliding in between the sheets.
Jake smiled down at her and slid in and out of her, moaning softly as he went in and out of her faster"Mmm, this feels really good"He said and smiled as his orgasm started approaching"I'm going to cum soon.

Matt went and slipped int other bed with her, hugging her close.
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