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Work is hard ((Candira and Puppyslave))

V moaned a little louder, the thrusts getting to her more as he went. "Mmm, don't hold back," she groaned.

April snuggled close to him and drifted to sleep.
He grabbed her hips and started thrusting in and out as hard and fast as he could, grunting as he started filling the condom with cum

He held her close and was soon asleep
V came not long after and moaned a little louder, her body arching again beneath his.
When they were calm again, she smiled at him and kissed his lips softly. "Mmm, you know how to please a girl." V smiled and kissed along his jaw, sitting up a bit, her arms around him.
He kissed her back and smiled at her"Thank you"He said and threw away the condom"Want to get some rest?"He asked, skin glistening with sweat.
Her heart skipped a beat and she kissed him back, blushing. He said he loved her. For some reason, it hit her. They were both in love. She smiled and snuggled close to him, breaking the kiss for a moment. "I love you too."
V closed her eyes and relaxed in his arms, enjoying the warmth and comfort he brought. She'd forgotten what it was like to sleep with a man. But this was pretty okay with her.
Jake smiled at her when she close her eyes and started rubbing her back gently"You want to rest?"He asked, enjoying the look on her face.
"I thought we were doing that already," she joked. "But I think after a few minutes I could manage another round."
Jake chuckled and rolled onto his back, still hard as a rock"Sounds good to me"he said, wiping some sweat off his forehead
"So how long have you wanted to do that?" she asked, looking over at him. She smiled and kissed his cheek. "Because, I have to say, I've secretly fantasized about that since day one.
Jake kissed her neck softly and smiled"I've been wanting to do this for a while"He said, member slowly getting hard again. He smiled when she told him that"Nice"
She kissed his shoulder, since she could reach it and smiled at him. "I like to think it's a little better than nice."
She smiled and kissed him back. "I find you irresistible." She smiled and pulled him closer, wrapping her leg around him, kissing him again.
"I bet you do," she chuckled. Her arms stayed around him as she kissed him again, enjoying his warmth and acceptance. It was good to know that he wanted her so much.
Veronica laughed as he pulled her up and kissed him back, enjoying the possessive way he held her. "Mmm, I like that," she said softly, smiling as she kissed him again. Her fingers ran through his hair and she snuggled close, pressed against his body.
He smiled at her and kissed her cheek as his hands rubbed her back slowly. He was hard quickly and smiled"Are you ready for round 2?"
She looked at him with a devilish grin and kissed him again, gently nipping at his bottom lip as she ground her hips against his groaning softly. "Mmmm, I'm ready," she said, kissing his neck slowly, gently suckling there. "Think you can handle it?" she teased.
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