Work is hard ((Candira and Puppyslave))

"I feel like we should go out tonight. We'll have plenty of time to stay in," April said, rubbing his shoulders.

Veronica happened to be cleaning her apartment. She'd tied her hair up into a pony tail and her slim body was dressed in short shorts, a tank top and a pair of socks. She was dusting the top of the fridge and wishing that she did it more often after seeing the state of it, and then sighed. She still had to mop and clean her shower up, but then she'd be finished--no more vacuuming, no more dusting, no more scrubbing tiles to hide behind. She was going out on another date with Jake and she was nervous. He'd been so confident and romantic the night before. He really wanted this to work. The last time a man had wanted that from her was...well...a long time ago. Shaking her head, she told herself to get a grip. She should be over the moon, not over the fridge! Flashes of last night and their first few kisses came to mind and she blushed, smiling softly at the memory. Instantly she was calm. Screw mopping. She'd have time for that later. The shower was still clean from the last time she'd cleaned it. Relieved she got off of her stool and reached into the fridge for her pitcher of raspberry iced tea and poured herself a tall tall glass of it.
Matt smiled at her and hugged her"Sounds good. Lets get dressed and go out. You can drive and pick the place"He offered

Jake got up as he saw the time and went to get ready for the date. He showered and changed into slightly casual clothes since they had agreed to go to the carnival that was in town. It had been ages since he had gone to one and he thought it'd be a good date.
April smiled and nodded. "You've got it, hun." She made a quick call and a reservation was made at her restaurant of choice--a surprise. She smiled and kissed his cheek before hopping into the car and heading toward the place she'd chosen.

V noticed the time and hopped into her unwashed shower, smiling at the irony before she got out and went to her closet. She put on a denim skirt that had a slit up to her knees on either side and a nice red short. She quickly applied some gloss to her lips and pulled her top layer of hair back, leaving the rest to rest on her shoulders.
Matt tried to hear the name but missed it and got in the car"A surprise I guess"He said and smiled at her

Jake finished getting ready and headed over to her place with a box of chocolates. He pulled up to her apartment building and got out, going to the door, pressing the button for her apartment
She smiles and took him to a place that looked very oriental. Once they were inside, the atmosphere was heightened. People were seated at low tables around hibachi grills where chefs did incredible things with knives and food. April smiled at him as a hostess took them to their seats. "And don't even worry about this one. I'm footing the bill, okay?"

V smiled as she heard her door buzzer. She pressed the button that would let him in and Got her shoes and a sweater for later, and a small purse from her door. She set them by the door just in time to hear a knock there.
Matt's eyes widened at the sight"Wow, this place looks cool"He said and smiled at her as they sat"Okay then"He said and then watched the chefs.

Jake walked up to her apartment and knocked on the door, waiting to be let in.
Veronica let him in and smiled when she saw him. "Hey there."

April smiled, pleased with his decision. She ordered some sake and browsed their list of food. "What would you like in your stir fry? What kind of meat?"
Jake smiled at her"Hey"He said and handed her the box of chocolates"You ready?"

Matt smiled and thought a moment"Beef is good for me. You can choose what else to add"
Veronica nodded as she put her shoes on and then slid on her sweater and took her purse. She smiled at the offering of chocolates and then picked one for a treat. Once the chocolates were safely stowed, she came back to him and picked up her keys. "Lets go," she said, smiling.

April marked beef and pork on the meat section and peppers, onions, and several other vegis. When she submitted the order, the waiter brought them dumplings and their sake. "Mmmm, this will be delicious. I love coming here." She smiled and then kissed Matt softly. "And I love you."
Jake waited for her, smiling at her as she came back"Okay"He said and headed out with her, going out to his car after she locked up.

Matt took a cup of sake and then kissed her"This place is amazing"He said and smiled at her"I love you too"he said and then sipped at the sake.
V took his hand and let him lead her to the car. "Thank you for the chocolates. You really didn't have to." She smiled. "So anything exciting happen to you today?"

April kissed him back as his lips brushed hers. Pouring herself a bit of sake she saw their chef come out with a cart full of their ingredients. He bowed to them and April sipped at her drink before he started to make some small talk with them, asking about the occasion as he started to toss knives and cut vegitables in intricate, fascinating ways as though it were second nature.
Jake smiled"I thought it would be apt"He said and got in the car after helping her in"Actually, yeah. Matt and April are getting married"He said as he started driving to the carnival.

Matt sipped more at the sake and greeted the chef and said that they were celebrating their engagement. He was just as fascinated by how fluidly the man chopped, flipped and served the food.
V smiled and turned to face him. "Really? How wonderful! I thought there'd been something between them. When did they get engaged? How did it happen?"

April smiled and enjoyed the chef's show as he cut up the vegis and meat and offered them congratulations. He did several tricks with the food to help them celebrate before everything was ready and a generous helping of food was served on both of their plates. "If you folks need anything else, just let the server know." He flashed them a grin and then left them to eat. April took another sip of her sake and smiled over at Matt as she started in on it, loving the flavors. "Mmm, perfect. How's yours?"
Jake nodded"Mhm. It happened yesterday. She asked him"he said and chuckled

Matt thanks the chef and complimented him before slowly eating"Mmm, delicious"he said ans smiled at April"Thanks for bringing me here"he said and kissed her cheek.
"She did? Wow, that must have taken some kind of courage." She smiled. "How come you're laughing? I think it's sweet."

April nodded and smiled when he kissed her cheek. "Only the best of the best for my man," she teased, kissing his cheek. "I'm glad you like it." Her arm wrapped around him and she leaned against him as she ate for a little bit.
Jake looked at her and grinned at her"Because he's always needed a little push to make commitments."He said and kissed her as he parked at the carnival.

Matt chuckled at that and put his arm around her"I'm glad we are together"He said and stroked her cheek.
V chuckled and kissed him back as they parked. "Well if I'm not mistaken, you've had some trouble in that department as well." She smiled and got out of the car, hugging him.

April kissed him again. "I'm glad too. I can't imagine what it would be like without you anymore."
Jake laughed as she said that and got out of the car, smiling at her"Like father like son"He said and walked with her to the entrance, holding her hand.

Matt kissed her lips and smiled at her"I can't either"He said before starting to eat some more, drinking more of the sake.
V took his hand and walked with him into the carnival, and immediately the smell of funnel cakes and corn dogs hit her--a fond memory. She squeezed his hand a little and looked at the rides and the little booths and wondered what they should do first.

April smiled and poured herself more sake before eating more of her food. Light conversation sprinkled their dinner before she asked for the bill when all of their food was gone.
Jake looked around, looking for the first thing they could do and then smiled"How about we get some cotton candy and then go on the tunnel of love?"He asked as they walked.

He finished off his cup of sake and smiled at her"Mmm, thank you April"He said and then looked at her"Are you okay to drive?"
"Probably, but I think it would be best if I didn't--just in case. Probably is never the definite answer that saves lives." She smiled and kissed him softly. "And you're welcome dear." She handed him the keys and hoped he would be alright to drive. If not, they'd just have to wait it out.

V nodded and started toward the cart. "Okay, but just for you. I've never liked cotton candy that much."
Matt listened to her"Agreed"He said and pocketed the keys"Lets go to the hotel across the street and we can go home tomorrow"He offered, not wanting to risk it either.

He chuckled a little at that and stretched before heading over with her"What would you like to eat?"
She smiled and gave him a look. "Really, Matthew, I think we're a little beyond the shady hotel business now that we're engaged." April loved teasing him that way.

V shrugged. "Hmmm, I'm a sucker for funnel cakes."
He smiled at her"Haha"He said dryly"It's not a shady hotel. It's a normal one"He replied and lead her outside after she paid.

Jake nodded and asked for a funnel cake and bubblegum flavored cotton candy. He hand her the funnel cake and held his cotton candy, smiling at her
Once she'd paid and they were across the street, she kissed his lips softly. "Well, shady hotel or not, I'd go anywhere with you." She smiled and squeezed his hand. "I promise."

V smiled, full of child-like glee as she was handed her sugary treat. "Mmm, funnel cake!" She kissed his cheek before he got the chance to do anything more and then kissed his cheek. "I love you so much right now." That said she started to eat her cake.
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