Work is hard ((Candira and Puppyslave))

V smiled as he helped her into the car and the two of them rode to her place.

She kissed him back and groaned as he came out of her. "I love you, Matthew."
He smiled as he pulled up to the building and parked. He got out and went around, helping her out.

Matt smiled at her"I love you too"He said, stretching a little after setting her on the table.
Once she was out, V smiled and took his hand, leading him up to her apartment again. She locked the door behind him out of habit and took off her coat and purse, dropping her keys in a dish. Slipping out of her shoes, she expertly hung her coat back up in her closet and smiled at him. "Thank you for dinner. It was good," she said with a smile. "We should do it again sometime."

April smiled and kissed him again, letting him set her down. She stretched a little herself before getting off of the table.
He went with her, smiling. He watched her her as she got comfortable."I agree. This was fun.

He stood up"Lets get rinsed off and dressed, love"
"Good plan," April said with a smile. That said, she kissed his cheek again and took his hand, leading him to the bathroom.

V smiled back at him and asked, "Would you like something to drink? I have coffee, water, soda, cocoa..." She trailed off and gestured for him to come in and stay for awhile.
Matt smiled at her and followed her up to the bathroom.

Jake went inside after her"Water would be good"He said and sat on the couch.
April got him into the shower, still wet from their earlier shower. She got the water temperature back to where it had been and stepped in, motioning for him to follow after her.

She smiled, and headed into her kitchen for some iced water. "Make yourself comfortable." When she came out, she had two glasses of water and she handed him one as she sat next to him. "There you go." She wasn't sure what else to say. It had been his idea to come here, but what did he really want?
He stepped into the shower and started rubbing soap on her body.

Jake took the cup"Thank you"He said and sipped as she sat with him. He put an arm around her slowly and kissed her cheek
"Thank you, Matthew," she said with a smile. She leaned into him a little, enjoying her treatment.

"No problem." She leaned against him as he put his arm around her and she smiled as he kissed her cheek. She turned her head to face him and captured his lips before he could fully escape.
He chuckled a little"You're welcome April"He said and scrubbed her body clean gently.

Jake smiled as he felt her kiss his lips. He wrapped his arms around her, returned the kiss. When he broke it, he smiled at her.
Once April was clean, she kissed Matt before returning the favor, taking her time.

V opened her eyes just as he broke the kiss. His smile was endearing, but she wasn't quite sure why. She smiled back and stayed close to him, just a breath away from his lips, looking into his eyes. Did he want more?
Matt smiled at her as she washed his body.

Jake smiled at her and rubbed her sides"How are you enjoying the date?"He asked softly
April slowly cleaned his entire body, lovingly kissing his shoulder before she washed it. She let the water rinse him when she was finished and smiled. "Alright. We're clean again," she said, turning off the water.

"It's been great so far," she said softly, still looking up at him. It felt good to be in his arms, and after no men for three months, she could say that she'd been waiting for it. She smiled softly and kissed him again before asking, "How is it going for you?"
Matt let out a happy sigh as his body got rinsed off. He grabbed a towel and wrapped it around her, drying her off.

Jake smiled down at her and returned the kiss"It's been great"He said and held her closer to his body"So, did I win our bet?"He teased
"You've still got another day to get through," she said with a chuckle, letting him pull her closer. It was nice to see to know, however, that he could be trusted not to flirt in her presence, at least. Then again, after tonight, she wasn't sure if she really had it in her to doubt him anymore. He'd been more than courteous. He was romantic and sweet, and the whole time his attention hadn't strayed from her but for his food. Clearly her first impressions had been wrong.

April smiled and let him dry her off before taking the towel from him and wrapping it around herself. She took another towel and dried him off as well, stepping out of the shower when she was finished. Today was such a surreal day. They'd woken up happy and frisky, had sex at least three times before noon, and she'd asked him to marry her. He'd said yes! Nothing could ruin her good mood now--not for the world.
Jake kissed her cheek and smiled at her"Okay"He said and held her close before yawning"Should we call it a night?"

Matt let her dry him off and then wrapped it around himself"Lets get dressed and got into town. We have rings we need to buy"
She smiled and nodded. "Probably," she said, kissing his cheek. "Thank you for tonight. It was lovely."

April beamed at him and took his hand before scampering off into their room.
Jake smiled at her"I'm glad you enjoyed it. I enjoyed spending time with you"He said and gave her a kiss on the lips before standing up.

Matt gave her hand a squeeze before following her. He went to his dresser and pulled on some casual clothes and his sneakers
April smiled and pulled on a pair of jeans and a black button up shirt. She combed out her hair and tied it back before she put on her shoes and waited for him.
April squeezed his hand and nodded, kissing his lips. "Of course."

V smiled and kissed him back before following him and standing as well. She smoothed out her dress and followed him to her door. "I liked being with you too."
Matt smiled at her and kissed her back"Lets get in the car, Wanna drive?"

He gave her a hug"Maybe we can go out after work tomorrow"He offered
"Sure. Where do you want to start looking?" April asked, taking the keys from him.

V smiled and nodded. "I'd like that."
He smiled and headed with her to the car, getting into the passenger side"Let's start with Kay's"

He kissed her cheek"I would too"He said and smiled"Good night and sweet dreams Veronica"
"Sure thing." April smiled and kissed him softly. That said, they were out the door.

V smiled and nodded, closing and locking the door behind Jake as he left. She leaned against it for a moment. "Good night," she said, grinning like an idiot.
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