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Work is hard ((Candira and Puppyslave))

Matt walked next to April as they headed down to the company car.

Jake followed with Veronica, staring at April's ass as she walked.
Veronica cleared her throat, a reminder to her employer that it was wholly inappropriate to do that in a business setting.

April remained oblivious to the older man's attraction to her and continued to keep pace with Matt, wondering how he was taking the bombshell his father had dropped on him. It was hard to gauge him every now and then.
Jake looked at her and chuckled a little before getting into the car with the others.

Matt let the other 3 get in before sitting next to April and telling the driver to take them to a good restaurant.
Veronica made a point of sitting between April and Jake, noting that this arrangement seemed to be the most responsible. Everyone seemed incredibly silent, though it was her and April's job to be so, it felt almost like a coffin.
Matt smiled a little at April and whispered in her ear"I can't wait until they are gone"

JAke looked over, wondering what was being said"Hey, April. Want to go out for a drink after this?"
April smiled at Matt and patted his shoulder when Jake practically hit her over the head with an invitation. Veronica pretended to drop something and uncrossed her legs, crushing his foot with her heel. "Oh, sorry, Jake," she said, picking up the missing object. April had to hold back laughter. "Actually, I have other plans tonight, but thank you for the invitation."
Matt chuckled a little at the foot stomp and the decline.

Jake winced and looked at Veronica before shrugged"Okay then I guess"
Jake looked out the window as they pulled up to the Italian restaurant and got out, helping Veronica out"Ladies first"

Matt slid out of the other side and helped April out, smiling
Veronica smiled and nodded, accepting his help graciously as she got out of the car. April smiled at Matt and squeezed his hand as she got out and prepared for the business end of this dinner.
Matt smiled at her and then headed inside with the others and smiled as they were led to a corner booth. He let her get seated and sat next to her.

Jake followed them in and sat across from Matt and next to Veronica.
The two women took their time looking over the menu before making their decisions for when the waiter came. It was awkward to wait for the business to begin, so April smiled softly and put her hand on Matthew's knee under their table.
Matt slipped his hand into hers after deciding on the lasagna and ordering it and a bottle of wine for the table.

Jake got raviolis and smiled at April"You sure you don't want to meet up with me afterwards?"
Veronica shot him a warning glance and smiled pleasantly soon after. April, almost feeling guilty, shook her head. "Unfortunately, these plans have been in the works for a long time," she said softly. "It's just not possible to break them," she said, putting her order in for the chicken Parmigiana and a glass of water in after Matthew made his. Her hand squeezed his under the table to reassure him that she wasn't falling for the nice guy act Jake was putting on. He was a smooth operator, but she wanted Matt.
Matt chuckled a little at him being shot down again"Dad. Stop trying to take my assistant out"he said and took his food when it got to them.

Jake frowned at that"Why should I?"he asked, chuckling
She smiled when her meal was delivered as well, Veronica having settled for a dish of stuffed shells. She smiled at the older man and shook her head. He was handsome, polished, and well-mannered, though he couldn't seem to catch on to the subtle hints that said, "Stay away from me."

Veronica smiled. "Because, obviously, the girl has plans. You can't expect her to just clear her schedule at the drop of a hat."
Matt watched him and took a bite of food"What did you want to talk about dad?"He asked bluntly.

Jake looked at his son"I wanted to make an offer on your business"He said simply
April and Veronica sat with their PDA's ready, waiting for something to happen as they ate in small bites.
Matt sipped the wine"N.... O"he spelled out"I'm not selling out dad"he said, eating the food some more.

Jake frowned at him and sat back"You are going to sell to me sooner or later son"he said confidently
April and Veronica busied themselves with their food. April sensed that Matt would need to relax quite a bit tonight. Veronica sensed that her boss would soon become the bad guy. It was wiser to just stay out of it.
Matt smiled and stood up"Lets go April"he said, putting down enough money to cover their half of the bill and the tip

Jake watched him still upset"I'll be back with another offer"he warned
"It was nice meeting you both," April said, following after Matt in their hasty retreat. Veronica sighed and finished off the last of her shells, noting that April had stuffed her garlic bread in her purse before leaving. "Well...all things considered...that could have gone better," she said, looking over at Jake. "Maybe you should have told him why?"

April walked with Matt, keeping a respectful distance while they were in public but she knew he needed more than an assistant just now.
Jake looked at her"Hmm, what do you mean?"he asked, playing innocent.

Matt looked calm on the outside but inside he was stressed out and needed to get home"Want to take a taxi?"he asked her, looking at her
Veronica gave him a stern look. "Tell him why you want to buy his company, what your plans are for it, and stop hitting on his assistant. Maybe he'll give you the time of day."

April smiled and hailed a cab for them, holding the door open for him. "After you, sir," she said, waiting for him to move.
Jake sighed"He'll never sell to me"he said simply and looked at her"You look cute when you're upset"he said and paid the rest of the bill

Matt smiled at that and got in, pulling her in with him"I'm glad I have you"
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